
Friday, November 25, 2022

November OMG is Finished

I'm so happy that I got these ornaments done at the beginning of the month.  This year I made 18 additional ornaments and they will be added to the 15 ornaments I made last year.  I hurried to finish these because they will be used to decorate a tree in the Los Angeles Temple Visitor Center of the Los Angeles Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  

Every year in the month of December, the Temple grounds and the Visitor Center are decorated with lights and sounds to celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus the Christ.  It's one of the most spectacular sights in Los Angeles.  Call (310)-474-1549 for schedule for the December 2022 Christmas Events at the Los Angeles Temple Visitor's Center.   If you're in or near Los Angeles, California, come by and visit.  I'm so honored to be part of this event.


Last year I made 15 ornaments and you can read about them here.  This is what they look like.


Here are the 2022 ornaments.


This year I decided to finish the ornaments with binding.  I just love seeing them hanging on my design wall, but I had to deliver all of them last week.  I'll show pictures of the trees once the decorations are done at the Visitor Center.


Thank you for visiting.

Have a joyful day!


Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Philanthropy Quilt Top is Done


I finally finished the quilt top for the Valley MQG.  Now it can be passed on to someone else to do the quilting part.  You can read about the quilt here

I managed to finish it at 41" x 44" and have dark purple leftover enough to make binding after the quilting is done.  Piecing this quilt top is a joy and it makes me happy to know that a child will be receiving this warm quilt.


I have so much to be thankful for.  I'm grateful for my family, friends and the quilting community I've found.  It's a wonderful community and you all are great people for this I thank you to each and everyone of you.


Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!! 


Monday, November 14, 2022

Philanthropy Quilt for the Valley MQG

A few months ago, I picked out a project bag from our Valley MQG Philanthropy table.  It's a quilt top that needs to be pieced.  This is what was in the bag.



There were some scrap fabric, a 7.5" finished block and there was an instruction saying: " No pattern, create your own.  Min size 36" x 36", larger if you can."  I like the part that says 'create your own'.  It sounds like a challenge to me.

I set out to cut some more pieces.  There's enough yellow fabric to cut out 9 more center blocks.  So I cut out 10 purple 6" squares for center of the blocks.   I will make 10 yellow blocks with purple borders and 10 purple blocks with yellow borders.  This is what I have on my design wall so far.


The final layout will be decided when all the blocks are done.  So far so good, I think.  :-))

Thanks for visiting and have a wonderful week.


Sunday, November 6, 2022

QuiltCon Quilt - Finished

Last month was quite busy for me.  I had several projects that had to be finished at about the same time.  So I finished them one by one and the only thing left is the quilt for QuiltCon.  You can read about the quilt here and here.  I didn't mean to leave it until the last minute but I knew that after getting other projects done, I still had time to finish it before the deadline on Oct. 31.

I was blown away when I found out that QuiltCon was having a Log Cabin challenge by the American Patchwork & Quilting.  That gave me even more encouragement to finish and submit it.  This is the finished quilt and I submitted it one day before the deadline.



Quilt stats:

Name:     Inside Lines

Size:        37.5” x 44.5”

Fabric:     Kona

Batting:   Hobbs 80/20

Thread:    Wonderfil and Aurifil

Quilting:  Juki TL98E

Thanks for visiting and have a great week!! 



Thursday, November 3, 2022

Getting Ready for Christmas

I'm getting ready for Christmas.  I'm making more modern ornaments to add on from last year.  They are in the photo below.



I'm setting an OMG for November to finish 15 more ornaments.  Go to the Elm Street Quilts to see all the goals for November.

I also link up to Wednesday Wait loss.

Thanks for stopping by. 
