
Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Sneak Peek of the New Project and Sept. OMG

I'm participating in the 2022 MQG fabric challenge.  These are the fabrics from Windham Fabric that I'm using for this quilt.



Here is a sneak peek of a test block.



I'm taking a 2-week vacation to Idaho Falls, Salt Lake City and St. George Utah to visit friends and family.  My goal for September is to finish the top and baste this quilt for quilting.   


Thanks for stopping by.  Have a wonderful day!

Monday, August 16, 2021

Finished August OMG and a New Project

I remade the postcard.  I like the satin finish better on this one.  Like they say, practice makes perfect better result.

I sent it out to my postcard swap partner in Minnesota this morning.  I hope it get there without any damages.  🙏😄

In my goal setting post, I set this as my August OMG.  Mission accomplished!! 👍


The yardage that I ordered for the 2022 MQG Fabric Challenges came today. 😌  Here they are in their beautiful colors.  I'm really looking forward to make something with this fabric.

Thanks for stopping by.  Hope you all have a nice week.

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Keeping Commitments

 In the past few months, I've been busy with behind the scene projects, and I'm so happy to say that they are done and delivered.  Now I have time to tend to other commitments.  It's kind of strange that for months I've worked intensely on projects and now my hands feel empty. 

In April I posted about the Project Potholder, you can see it here and here.  I chose to put it on hold because it has no deadline.  They are done and I might make some more as time permits.



They are 6 1/2" and finished with serger all around.  The edges in the real projects are straight even though they don't look straight in the picture above.

Today I also finished the Postcard Swap project that I talked about here I like small projects like these to keep my mind engaged.  It's the first time for me to make a fabric postcard.  I checked out a few tutorials to learn how to make one.  These are places I visited NW Quilted Cat, and Sarah Ruiz Quilts.


For the back, I printed the word Postcard on a piece of card stock and hand drew the lines with Sharpie.  I like the front and back but I'm not real happy with the finished edges.  My original thought was to use the serger but changed it to use the satin stitch instead.  I don't like the way it looks.  I still  have some time before I have to mail it off.  Tomorrow, I know what I want to work on.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great week.

Thursday, August 5, 2021

August OMG

At my local VMQG guild, we are doing something fun.  We are having a POSTCARD swap with the Minneapolis Modern Quilt Guild (MMQG).  Members of the MMQG and the VMQG will be creating and mailing fabric postcards to their respective 'partners' by August 23rd.

I'm very excited about this and signed up.   This also will be my August OMG with the Elm Street Quilts.  I don't have a picture to show with this blog because I've never made a fabric postcard before, but I'll be using these colors below.  One thing I know about my postcard partner is that she likes bright colors


I'm also participating in the 2022 MQG Fabric challenge.  I registered and got these beautiful samples.  I already have ideas in mind and am anxious to get started.  I ordered some more yardage and it's on its way.  :-)

Thanks for stopping by.  Have a wonderful day.