
Saturday, April 18, 2020

A new quilt finished

For the April OMG, I said I would finish a new quilt top.  You can read about it here.   I'm crazy about geometric shapes of all kinds.  May be because I was a math major in college.  I think geometric shapes go well with modern quilt aesthetic.  I especially love HST and Curved Triangle shapes.  Not only did I finished the top, I went ahead and quilt it too.  Well, my quilty friends, here is 'Subtraction'.

'Subtraction' (36"x36")

I also tried spray baste for the first time.  I liked it, but I think I put too little adhesive spray because while I was quilting it, some part of the top became loose.  I had to reset the glue with hot iron a few more times and put some more basting stitches to secure it, as seen in the pictures below.

All in all, I'm very happy with the way this quilt turned out. 

Keep calm and fight on................... 



  1. Lovely quilt, I love the colors, and the spiral quilting is perfect!

  2. I first used basting while at a charity sewing event and I was hooked....such a time saver over basting or pinning.

  3. Your quilt is bold and gorgeous. Love all the shapes.

  4. I love it and the colors! I have glue basted a few quilts, but always go back to pinning in the end. Pins I can use over and over!

  5. Love it and the color choices!

  6. Love the combination of curves, straight edges and colors. What a fun quilt!

  7. Yes indeed very modern and geometric, love it! I am quilting a yellow/gray quilt now also.

  8. Great finish. Love the collection of shapes and colors.

  9. A beautiful combination of straight line and curves and an exciting color palette. Also love the spiral quilting.

  10. I love this quilt - the design and the colors are great!

    I'm a spray baster. I prefer a light spray, then I iron front and back. Then I machine baste each edge of the quilt. That keeps the layers from separating on one side, while I'm quilting on the other side.

  11. So cool! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish.

  12. Cool quilt and love your colours

  13. Nice job! I like how your quilting interacts with the curved blocks.

  14. Love the free flow of this quilt. Well done.

  15. I have never dared do spray basting for quilts. I still thread baste which takes some time but seems to work for me. I am glad yours turned out! The circle quilting is perfect! I bought some rulers to do that but have not yet found the right project to try them on.

  16. Beautiful! I love how your circular quilting complements the angles in your design. : )

  17. Such an interesting, and beautiful quilt to look at!!! Love your quilting, too!


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