
Tuesday, August 25, 2020

August OMG finished

It’s too hot to do anything, but I did do my August OMG. Once the design was done, the quilt "Journey" was a breeze to put together but the challenge came when I started the quilting. I was struggling with all the turning, shuffling and maneuvering the big quilt around and through my Juki home machine. While I was working on this quilt a lot of things went through my mind, memories from my childhood, my experiences when I first came to America, my interactions with people in the guild, church, and so on.  I wanted to give up many times but with every turn, I told myself to continue on.  It occurred to me that if one wants to have a conversation with oneself, quilting is the perfect time for it.  

Each day, I could handle the quilting of one block, and I was ok with that. The work progressed slowly and I was ok with that too.  When the machine acted up, I took a break, a deep breath and walked away for awhile. The next day or two I would get back at it again. That had been my dealings for most of July.

For August I set goals to square up the quilt and put the binding on.  And here it is....

The quilt is 70" x 70" finished.  I made the binding with a mix of the grey fabrics in the blocks.  I'm so glad I finished this quilt as planned.  I'm pretty happy that I've accomplished each of my OMG so far.

Until next time my dear friends.  I have several quilt tops to work on.  I can't wait to have a meaningful and deep conversations with myself again.  😂


Stay cool and take care yourselves.   Quilt on.......

Sunday, August 2, 2020

My! it's August already?

Hi Everyone,

I can't believe it's August already.  Times sure fly fast these days.  I must say this year is very challenging for everyone.  I feel for parents who have young children who are not able to go back to school.  I pray that you'll be strong and hang in there.  There are silver lining behind every cloud!!

On a personal note, I'm pretty much stay on tasks.  I feel very productive this year.  All thanks to Patty at the Elm Street Quilts for her OMG challenge. 


My August goal will be squaring up and binding the quilt 'Journey'.  You can read about this quilt here and here

Stay strong and quilt on....