
Friday, March 29, 2019

A new block design

While I was at QuiltCon 2019 last month, I went to visit the Paintbrush Studio Fabric booth to have my book signed by Jacquie Gering.  They were handing out solid charm square packs and challenged anyone who wanted one to create a block with those squares.  I took one pack and started to work on them last week.  As usual, I forgot to take picture before I cut up two of the squares.  Here are the charm squares.

At first I wanted to use the orange and yellow but changed my mind.  Here is the finished block.

I'm pretty happy with the way it came out.  It's a good exercise for me.  :-)


Friday, March 1, 2019

Self realization in design

Since the beginning of the new year, I have been trying to design quilt patterns to share.  Some patterns have been on my sketch book for some time so I thought I would give them a try.  I decided to use pre-cut fabric to make it easier.  I picked one design that my friends liked but it didn't come out as nice as I had hoped for.  

I used my scraps to make this block which is 14" x 18" size.  I want to try a big block concept to speed up the process, so that I only need a few blocks to finish a quilt. 

My husband made me laugh again by saying that it reminded him of a robot when he saw the block.  I proceeded to put together a few blocks to make a baby size top.
I don't really like this pattern, so I decided not to make a tutorial to share.  Then I thought; would it look better if I use different fabric or after quilting?  Would you agree that the quilting makes the quilt?  Some tops look much better after being quilted.  Let me know what you think about this design.  Do you think it can be rescued after the quilting?

I went back to work on the left over blocks of the MQG charity quilt challenge.  I had a few blocks that our members made left and didn't want them to go to waste, so I put together 2 more tops.

This one can be either a throw size quilt or a wall hanging quilt.  I already got the batting and backing material.  I will show the finished quilt soon.

This top is a baby quilt.  I think I'll call it the 'Bandit Bot'.  I'll show this one too when I finish with it.

I can say that I prefer minimal improv quilts.  I found myself enjoying designing this kind of quilt more.  Now the question is should I work on the design or style that I like, or try to work on something that others might like?  If I made the designs for a commercial release, I probably would try to please the public.  On the other hand, I'm sure that if the design is good, a lot of people will like it.  

This is all in the process of designing I'm sure we have to go through.  I didn't have this problem when I designed all the projects in my book.  I just did what I like and what looked good to me.  It so happened that the Proposal review panel at the AQS liked them too.  Lucky me!!

Link to 'FinishedornotFriday'