
Wednesday, May 26, 2021

A New Project

I've been busy sewing.  This week I'm making a back piece for a quilt called 'Candy Box 2'.  Once again, I'm having a lot of fun working on it.  It's totally an improv piece.  Come to think of it, most of my work lately has been done with improv technique.  Can we call improv a technique?  Anyone care to jump into a discussion?  Anyway, I think we can call it a technique.

Here is the picture.

Candy Box 2 - back (65"x80")

I love the idea of a quilt back that has a relationship with the front.  All the colors of the front is also on the back.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day.

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Playing Around

This week, while, I was doing some experimenting with some shapes in quilting.  It occurred to me that I was playing and wasting time.  Instead of feeling guilty, I wanted to know what other people say about playing so I searched 'playing quotation' and came upon this quotation.


Somehow this quotation made me feel better about playing around with some fabric.   I got some triangle shapes left over from other projects so I decided to play with Half Rectangle Triangle (HRT).  I don't have any design in mind right now but this is what I made.


Block size 12" x 18"


This is my first time making HRT blocks.  We'll see where this leads to.  It's all in a day of working, playing, researching.  :-))


Thanks for stopping by.

Have a great time creating.

Monday, May 17, 2021

May OMG is Done

I continue to make progress on the quilt called Candy Box.  This month for OMG I said I would make the back piece and baste the quilt to get it ready for quilting.  I've done both.  Here are some pictures.


Candy Box front


Candy Box back

I leave it on the design wall to look at and contemplate how to quilt it.

Now I can get back to other projects that I've been working on.  


Thanks for stopping by.  

Have a great week!!

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Works Continue.......

 Last week I talked about working on a quilt called 'Candy Box'.  The work continues this week.  I got the back done.  Here how it looks on my design wall.


Next, I will thread baste this quilt.  I'm still not sure about the quilting itself.  I have a few thoughts in mind, no real decision yet.


This is my favorite time of the year when there are so many blooms around me, both in my own yard and in the neighborhood.  I remembered last year when the pandemic started and we were in the lock down, my husband had to work from home.  We walked around a lot and admired beautiful flowers along the way.  Thank goodness, he still works from home, but we didn't walk a whole lot this year.  I really miss that.  I would like to show you the blooms in my own yard.  They fill my yard and my home with wonderful fragrances.  The best part is that they attract so many bees.   Enjoy the beauties!!


Thanks for stopping by.  Have a great day!!

Monday, May 3, 2021


 Hi Everyone,


It’s hard to believe we’re in May already. Once again it’s time to set goals for the month and here they are.  

1. Get the back ready for the quilt called ‘Candy Box’. 

2. Baste the quilt and get it ready for quilting. 

The quilt Top is 44” x 56” and here is the picture.


Quilting it has to wait because I'm still thinking about how I'm going to do it.   Chances are it will be quilted next month.

The potholders are coming along nicely.  There's some good progress and I will show the finished pictures soon.


Thanks for stopping by.