
Monday, March 29, 2021

Fun Projects for Fundraising

Hi Everyone,


Everyday I try to find some projects to do.  Not that I don't have any WIP,  but sometimes things didn't work out the way I plan and I have to move on. 

I was trying to work on a new project based on an logo I saw on a Podcast on Youtube.  It was a very interesting design and I wanted to challenge myself to make it with a raw edge applique.  I wrote the owner of the website to  ask for permission but didn't hear anything back.  After 4 weeks, I decided to move on.

Have you heard of the Textile Talk that was put on by the IQM (International Quilt Museum), the MQG, SAQA...etc?  I have participated in for sometimes now.  They featured different artists and guests.  I love to hear what other artists have to say.  Some topics were very interesting and fascinating.   I just learned about this Project Potholder from the IQM website.  I think it would be fun to participate and help out with the fundraising.  It's been hard for many organizations and small businesses alike in the past year up to now.  And do I have supplies for potholders?  As you might remember, I made quite a few potholders for myself and gifts last December.   I think this is a perfect project for scraps.  If you're interested, check out their website for the guidelines and join in the fun.

I'm working on 2 projects behind the scene.  One is for the MQG Journal and the other one is for the Simply Moderne magazine. They both will be on toward the end of the year.  I'm sorry I can't show you anything until then. :-(


Spring is in the air and in my garden.  Every year I'm greeted by these beauties.


The reason there is greeting words of 'Happy Saturday' in the Freesia picture because I sent it my LINE friends group in Thailand.  In Thailand, e
veryday has a color associating to it and purple is for Saturday.  Every morning my friends will send these greetings to our group.  I put some of the images in a layout for you.  You can guess what color goes with which day.

I'm so grateful for friends.  Every morning I receive such greetings from them.

Have a great week and thanks for stopping by.


Friday, March 19, 2021

Hands2Help 2021

 Hi Everyone,



Just a quick note to tell you all that there is excitement going on at the Confessions of a Fabric Addict.  It's time to sign up for the Hands2Help comfort quilt challenge for this year.  It's a great way to reach out and help support our community.  I joined in for the first time last year and I'm really glad I did.


Have a great week!


Friday, March 12, 2021

March OMG finish and a new project fabric pull

 Hi everyone,

I’m happy to report that my March OMG is finished. Here’s a picture. 


It was not as troublesome as I thought it would be. All the four-patch blocks were put together before I got them.  I was worried that the blocks that various people put together would be hard to handle because each person sews differently.  I took a deep, breath and randomly took one block, matched it with another block and sewed.  I continued until I got 4 panels.  I sewed all the panels together, and voila, I got a quilt top that measured 48" x 55".  It will be delivered to the person in charge next week.  I'm happy!!


Now it's time to pull out some fabric for the next project.  I want to add some more yellow and dark grey but this is what I got so far.


I would like to try raw edge applique.   I think I'll start next week.

Thanks for stopping by and Happy creating everyone.

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

March OMG

 It's time to set a goal for March.  I still can't believe it's March already.  For this month I will work on the charity quilt top for the Valley MQG.  I got this material a few months ago but got busy doing other things and forgot about it.  Now it's time to put all pieces together.  Here's what I got in the bag.


The goal for March is to put this quilt top together.  Go to The Elm Street Quilts for the OMG March Link-up to see what's going on.

Thanks for stopping by.  Have a great day!!

Monday, March 1, 2021

Where has February gone?

There were so many things going on in February for me that it took me several days to absorb them all in.  By the time I came back to present reality, the month was gone.


It started with QuiltCon....  

I enjoyed QuiltCon Together 2021 so much, more than I thought because of the online thing.  I really liked being able to go to the show anytime I wanted to even at odd hours.  When my friend and I went to the QuiltCon in Nashville a few years ago, I collapsed in bed by the end of the day.  My legs were so tired from walking, trying to see as many of the quilts and vendors as possible.  Then we had to go out to eat; more walking hence more sore legs.  This time was different, I went in the show everyday.  I got to look and admire all the quilts as often as I liked.  The vendor hall had different feeling though; I liked it better to be able to touch and feel the fabric and all the gadgets.  It's more fun to see fun tools in person, I think.

Then came another show; The Mid Atlantic Quilt Festival.  I had 3 quilts in this show.  When I was watching the Award Ceremony, I got the biggest surprise in my quilting life.  One of my quilts got the second prize in the Mid-Century Modern category.  I was blown away and didn't expect that at all.  This quilt is a house warming gift for my dear friend's new home.  Here's the picture of the quilt.


There is more good news regarding publications in two magazines that I'm not able to share yet until things are settled and confirmed. 


Imagine that all of these things happened in the same short month of February!  I'm overflowed with joy and gratefulness.

Now it's time decide whether to pull out some fabric for a new project or look at the to-do list.  !?!  

Well, that's another post.  See you next time.....

Have a great week!!