
Monday, July 3, 2023

The Denim Quilt Continues

When you have an idea stuck in your head, what do you do?  I asked myself that question a lot lately.  It's clear to me that when this happened, I just have to try out the idea and see what the result will be.  That's what is going on with this denim quilt.  

I had this idea in my head about a month ago but I ignored it.  I made the first block as you can see it here and thought that by making more blocks, the pieces will fall into place like solving a jigsaw puzzle which I love to do.   I made more blocks but nothing seems to go well together and the nagging feeling got louder.  Then I said to myself, 'this is silly', and gave up on making more blocks to work with the first block.  I'll use those blocks for other Denim quilt later.  Instead, I start making the blocks based on the original idea I had.  Here are the pieces. 


Now, I feel that we're really going somewhere.  I'll continue to work on this until I get the final layout that I like.

What are you working on this week?  Are you liking it so far?  Are you having fun working on it?  

Thanks for visiting and may the Quilting fairy bless you with a great and fun sewing time.....


In addition to the linky parties on the sidebar, I also link up to:

Link to To Do Tuesday  hosted by Carol at Quilt Schmilt  

Brag About Your Beauties at From Bolt to Beauty

Peacock Party at Wendy’s Quilts and More 

Put Your Foot Down at For the Love of Geese