
Tuesday, September 20, 2016

A new block for Covered in Love Project

When I was in the hospital for 30 days in January-February, I was a recipient of kindness from many people around me.  Friends and strangers offered help and support.  The nurses both in ICU and Recovery area were exceptional.  The physical therapists worked really hard to get me up on my feet again.  My hat is off to all of them.  Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart.

I love the idea of paying it forward.  When I found that Kat @ Kat & Cat Quilts has a project called Covered in Love, I immediately wanted to participate.   She's a RN at East Texas Medical Center in Tyler, Texas, where she sees a lot of people nearing the end of their lives.  For various reasons, some patients don't make it to the hospice.   They spend their last days in the hospital.  That's when she gives them, or their family, a quilt from Covered in Love project.  You will find more info about her project through the links above.
Each month, she'll have a block design and color theme.  You then make a block, or as many as you like, and send it to her.  You can also send her quilt tops or finished quilts.  For the August block, she wanted a 'Disappearing nine patch'.  Can you believe this was my first disappearing nine patch?  I've always been curious about this block design and now I had a reason to make them.  Thanks Kat!!  I had a lot of fun, can't wait to make more.

I'm also working on a 2017 Michael Miller challenge.  Love, love the fabric.  Don't have good pictures to show at this time, but will soon.

Have a great day!