
Monday, November 24, 2014

Taking a break from quilting book projects to make jam

Today I took some time off from quilting book projects to make some jam.  My favorite is pomegranate-strawberry jam, but I wanted to make pomegranate-raspberry today.

I'm having lots of fun juicing the pomegranate fruits that I got from markets, and they are at the great price right now.  I didn't use any juicer.   Instead, I open them up into segments, turn each segment up side down over a big bowl of water in the sink and knock the skin with a wooden spoon.  The small gems will fall down into the water.  After rinsing them, I put them in a clean, dry bowl.  Then I scoop about 3 cups at a time into a food processor with a dough blade, process them for a few minutes and empty the liquid mess into a strainer set over another clean bowl, I use a 10-cup measuring cup.  I let it drain for a few minute then use the back of a wooden spoon to press down all the juice before discarding the seeds.  I put the peels, seeds and everything else into the compost pile later.  For 4 large pomegranate, about 5-6 lbs., I got about 4 cups of juice.  In the picture below, the seeds are from 12 lbs. of pomegranate fruits.


4 cups raspberry
3 cups pomegranate juice
4 cups sugar
2 tbsp. lemon juice (optional)


1. Put raspberry in a large non-reactive pot and mashed it a little bit with potatoes masher.
2. Pour in the pomegranate juice and lemon juice if using.
3. Put in the sugar, bring to a boil, stir occasionally.
4. Cook it about 10 minutes or until the temperature reach 220 F.  The jam will become thick.

5. Test to see if the jam is set, I like the cold plate method.  Drop syrup on a small plate about 1 inch diameter big and put the plate in the freezer for 1-2 minutes.  Run your finger through the syrup, creating a line right in the middle of the syrup.  If the syrup on both side of the line doesn't run to each other, the jam is set.

6. Turn off the fire, let it sit for about 5 minutes.
7. Ladle the jam into sterilized jars.
8. Turn the jars upside down for 10 minutes, then turn them right side up.  Soon you'll hear a pop sound from each jar, signaling that the lids are sealed. 

This recipe makes 2 8-oz. jars and 6 4-oz. jars.   Enjoy!!
I love mine on a homemade bread toast with butter.   :)

Saturday, November 8, 2014

My hand quilting experience continue.....Part 3

We finally are done with the hand quilting job.  It has been great 2 months; quilting with my dear friend in the morning.  Here are some snap shots of the quilt.   Now I have to put binding on it.  It's going to be a challenge to square up this quilt.

My dear friend, JoAnn