
Monday, October 31, 2022

Fun Project for Quilting for Community

In the past few months, I’ve been volunteering at an organization called Quilting For Community right here in Southern California. Quilting For Community, or Q4C for short, is a non-profit organization that serves the community through quilt making.  Anyone who is interested in learning about quilting can come and learn for free.  In a short time, I've seen someone from never having sewn before, to making beautiful quilts.  Not only did she make the quilt top, she also quilted it on a long-arm machine.  It's truly amazing!!

The organization just moved to a new and bigger location. One thing that is lacking are window covers. Several of us are making panels for window coverings, using mostly scraps, orphan blocks and left over fabrics from past projects.

This is the scraps fabric and orphan drunkard path blocks I got a few weeks ago. 

With that, I made a few more blocks with stronger colors. 

I used this Q4C logo for a cue for colors in making a few more blocks.  

And I made a few more blocks.  They are so much fun to make, so I got a little carried away.  The panel is supposed to be 27" x 114".   These Drunkard's path blocks are 12.5" so I figured I would need at least 12 blocks to start.  I ended up making 16 blocks and put them on my design wall. 
I added some Kona navy blue to make up the length.  Here is the finished panel.
I'm hoping that after the panels are up, I can take more pictures and show them here.  Thanks for stopping by and have a great week.

I link up to Wednesday Wait Loss.


Thursday, October 20, 2022

Work In Progress in October

The quilting continues for 'Inside Lines'.  I just want to post a quick note to show you some progress on this quilt. 



This is the quilt under my Juki.  Before quilting, I gave it a lot of thought, such as how to make each log unique.  I decided that each log will have its own color thread and be quilted differently.  I counted the thread ends of the blue, grey and green log; there are 72 thread ends I have to tie off and bury.  😓


Thanks for stopping by and have a fun sewing time!!



Monday, October 3, 2022

OMG for October 2022

With so many things that were going on in August and spilled over to the beginning of September, I totally forgot about OMG for September.  Now that things are settling down, I got back to my old routine once again, I'm setting a goal for October.

I'm working on a new quilt top that I started at the end of September which you can read about it here.  I'm making progress on the top.  This is what I got so far.


My goal for October is to finish this quilt. I’ll start the quilting in a few days and hope to finish everything before the end of the month. 

Go to the Elmstreetquilts to see other goals for October. 

Have a great week and thanks for visiting. 