
Wednesday, April 1, 2020

A New Project

Today I pulled out some Kona solid for a new project and here they are. 

For this quilt, I limit myself to 6 colors; 2 shades of yellow, 2 shades of gray, black and white.  This quilt top will be my OMG for April. 

In these past few weeks, I’ve enjoyed being home and sewing.  Last year a dear friend gave me an orchid plant.  It bloomed and gave me tremendous joy, and this year, it re-bloomed !!  This is the first time that I have an orchid re-bloom with so many flowers.  I’m glad I have these flowers to enjoy during this time.   Behold the beauty!! 

When I visited my sister in Thailand last year, she unloaded her stash of fabric on me because she doesn't want to sew any more.  As a younger sister, I had to take it even after telling her that these fabric are not what I use nowadays.  I really had no say in the matter.  That's the way things are back home; you can't argue with your older siblings.  Most of the fabric is for garment sewing but there are some Japanese cotton and a few pieces of Thai silk in the mix.  Japanese quilting style is big in Asia.  I said to her that I would take it on one condition, that I would make quilts for her and her daughter.  I'm sure with solids and other fabric in my stash, I should be able to make 2 quilts with these. 

Cotton fabric sorted by colors

Last week, I put together a quilt top.  It's the one on the design wall in  the flower picture above.  This is just a background for something special which will come later.  I sent this picture to my sister to show her the progress but she wasn't impressed.  :-)
I'll finish it and send her another picture.  If she doesn't like it, I'll make her a new one.  

Do you know about  Hands2Help Comfort Quilt Challenge from Confessions of a Fabric Addict ?  I just found out about it last week.  Check it out, and sign up.

I'm counting my blessings.  My husband still has his job and I still can do things that I love.  It's been four years since my brain surgery and I'm still here.  I'm grateful for every sunrise in the morning. 

Here's something funny to lighten up your day.

 Image may contain: possible text that says 'This is Wilson. He is now working from home'

Stay calm and sew on.......


  1. would love to see the finished quilt. the colors look great. congratulations on you continued good health!

  2. Yes, amid the crisis there are still many things to be thankful for. I just can't figure out why I'm not finding more time for sewing!

  3. Love your post! From your pretty fabric pull, the fabric gift from your sister, the beautiful re-blooming orchid (I love them too and have over 40), and the priceless 'working from home' - LOL!

  4. Love the fabric. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck with your project.


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