
Friday, April 2, 2021

April OMG

 Hi Everyone,

It's time to set a goal for April.  This month I'll make a baby quilt for the Project Hands2Help 2021.  I talked about it here.  

I'll make a Faux Rag quilt using a technique found in this book.  I haven't decided yet it's going to be a girl or boy version, or may be both?   I'll keep you all posted as the project progresses.


For the Potholder project, I think I'll make some of them in Christmas theme.  I have a very cute Snow Bear print that I can use.  


April is going be a fun month, I'm looking forward to working on these projects and some other things that I've engaged in.

Thanks for stopping by.

Have a great weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Margo, I love your Christmas bear fabric! That will be darling for potholders. I wish I'd been able to find something like that a few months ago when I was scouring local quilt shops for novelty prints for a scrappy Christmas quilt. Some years the shops have tons of cute prints for the holidays, and other years the selection is less exciting. Lesson learned: I must buy ALL the cute fabric whenever I find it, whether I have a project in mind or not!!


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