
Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Works in Progress

The fun with FPP continues.  I continue working on Christmas ornaments with scraps as I first posted about them here.  I'm making some progress in the past two weeks.



I set a goal to make at least 15 ornaments this month.  I enjoy working on FPP so far.  I'm still a little clumsy with it but I hope I will get better in time.


Fall Plantings:

About two weeks ago I found a 3-year old pea seed packet that I bought from Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Company.  It was unopened so I decided to plant them.  They didn't take long to sprout and today I transplanted them into a garden bed as shown in the pictures below.  They seem happy beside all the garlic seedlings too.  I'm sad to see the tomatoes season end.  I pulled them out except one.  We have a pretty mild cold season here so far, I might let it be.



I have to cover them to protect them from rabbits and skunks.  Last month we discovered that these little creatures like to visit our vegetable garden at night.  There are quite a few rabbits running loose around our neighborhood.  We saw them when we walk our dog in the evening.  They are so cute and must have just discovered our garden because we didn't have this problem before.  Skunks like to dig in the beds looking for grub worms and alike for food.  Luckily our beds were empty then.  But now that I have some seedlings in there I have to do something to protect them.  Fortunately, Youtube is full with wisdom that I can learn from. Isn't that great?  I found that skunks don't like citrus peels.  I sprinkled some mandarin orange peels in all 4 beds and sure enough the skunks just walked pass by and left the beds alone.  I'm very happy that I found a good solution for skunks.  Now if only I could help the squirrels remember where they buried their nuts!!

Thanks for stopping by.  Have a great week.  Margo


  1. Your ornaments are looking great.

  2. Such pretty ornaments. How cool that your 3 year-old seeds were viable! I have never had any luck with peas, and I love them so much. We moved from acreage 2 years ago, and although I don't miss south Texas I do miss the big garden I had there, and I even planted more of things so the rabbits could feast on our garden too - lol!


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