
Thursday, November 25, 2021

Simply Moderne #27

I finally can share my two quilts published in the Simply Moderne issue 27 which will be coming out soon.


The first one is 'Coming Together'


Picture courtesy from Simply Moderne Magazine

I love the way they composed the shot.  Although I never thought of this quilt as a Christmas quilt, the shot looks great.


The second quilt is 'Candy Box 2'.  This quilt is new and I've never shown it until now.  Here is a picture from the magazine.


Picture courtesy from Simply Moderne Magazine


Back in January of this year, this quilt was just an idea on a piece of paper when it was chosen to be in Simply Moderne.  The design of this quilt is based on a box of half eaten candy that my husband gave me.  My family know I love chocolate dipped candy.  My son often gave me a box of fruity truffle covered in chocolate which I enjoy to the last bite!  When I open these boxes, I see love and joy.

Today is Thanksgiving day.  I have so much to be thankful for.   I would like to say thank you to all my readers, friends and family.  You are the force behind this blog.  Thanks for following, commenting and sharing with me.  I appreciate you all!

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!


  1. Coming Together is a great composition! I like the other one too, but that particular one is dynamite. Glad you had a happy Thanksgiving.

  2. I saw your quilt on Simply Modern, and I love it! Congratulations for being published!


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