
Monday, October 25, 2021

Projects For A Rainy Day

It has been raining all night and all day today.  It's not a heavy rain but comes down lightly and steadily.  It's so dreamy to look at.  I'm so glad that we finally got some rain.  We've been in a drought for a number of years now.  The rain came just the right time, after I started cold season planting in the garden, starting with some peas and garlic.  The seeds sprouted and started to grow.  Nothing gives me more thrill than seeing sprouted seedlings.  It's a joy to see them poking through the soil and start growing.  I'll show some pictures when they grow a little bigger. 

Last summer, I made some quilted postcards which you can see in this post.  That was my first Foundation Paper Piecing (FPP) experience which I learned from Leila Gardunia here.   Leila also has a free download of scrappy triangle foundation at this site.  I enjoyed making the postcards so I decided to adapt these scrappy triangle foundations into Christmas ornaments.  And here they are...



These ornaments finished at about 4 inches.  I will make several different sizes; from 4-6 inches.  I decided not to use traditional colors of Christmas on all of them but there will be some red and green for sure.  It will be  a modern Christmas tree with modern ornaments this year.  😊

I'm so glad to finally have projects like these for my scraps which are multiplying fast. Thanks for stopping by and have a great day.


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