
Sunday, November 6, 2022

QuiltCon Quilt - Finished

Last month was quite busy for me.  I had several projects that had to be finished at about the same time.  So I finished them one by one and the only thing left is the quilt for QuiltCon.  You can read about the quilt here and here.  I didn't mean to leave it until the last minute but I knew that after getting other projects done, I still had time to finish it before the deadline on Oct. 31.

I was blown away when I found out that QuiltCon was having a Log Cabin challenge by the American Patchwork & Quilting.  That gave me even more encouragement to finish and submit it.  This is the finished quilt and I submitted it one day before the deadline.



Quilt stats:

Name:     Inside Lines

Size:        37.5” x 44.5”

Fabric:     Kona

Batting:   Hobbs 80/20

Thread:    Wonderfil and Aurifil

Quilting:  Juki TL98E

Thanks for visiting and have a great week!! 




  1. Beautiful piece of art, I love how the quilted lines show inside the shapes. Well done with the deadline ;))
    Thank you for sharing with us and linking up!

  2. Love this so much! It's a wonderfully modern version of a log cabin. Great job meeting that deadline! Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss, my weekly show and tell link up.

  3. Margo it's stunning! You did a beautiful job with the pattern, colors, and quilting. Good luck and thank you for sharing it with To Do Tuesday!

  4. Very cool interpretation of a log cabin, Margo! I love it!

  5. I love your take on the Log Cabin pattern. So neat that a traditional pattern stays fresh over time. Congrats on making the deadline.

  6. That's a very striking take on a Log Cabin. I hope it gets into Quilt Con and does well for you there.

  7. Hi Margo, I hope that your quilt is chosen - what a beauty. It's a great take on the log cabin!

  8. Super cool Log Cabin!! Love the pops of color and the minimalist aesthetic!


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