
Friday, October 30, 2020

Work in Progress in October

This month I want to work on the quilting of my sister's quilt which I wrote about it here and here.  It's a work in progress.  I'm glad to say that it's half done right now.  I do love working on this quilt.

I'm getting to like thread basting more, and have improved much on this quilt.  What I mean is that I didn't jab myself too much this time.  This time I used light color thread for basting.  You can't see them in the pictures real well though.  For the last quilt, I used dark color thread to baste it, thinking that using a dark color would help me see better.  You can read about it here.  When I was done with the quilting and tried to take the basting thread out, I had a hard time getting all the lint from the basting thread out of the quilt top.  Thread basting is time consuming for sure, but the result is great.  

I printed out a picture of the quilt and used pencil to draw the quilting design on the picture first.  I divided the quilt into 4 parts and quilted each part separately to help me handle the quilt better.  When it was time to do the quilting, I used masking tape to help me with straight line quilting, as seen in the picture below.  It worked great for me.


Here are more pictures of the quilting.


Right now the quilting lines are 1" apart.  When I finish the whole quilt, I'll decide whether or not to do more quilting in between those lines.

Now go to check out the finish link-up at Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal - October Finish Link-up.   You will see many wonderful finished projects.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great week.

Today I'm linking up to 

 Off the wall Friday, Whoop whoopFinished or not Finished Friday



  1. I like that quilting!! and having the picture is a great idea!! I do that too for my Long arm - sometimes i roll the quilt and forget what I did! Its looking great!

  2. Oh the joys of discovering masking tape to mark quilting lines.

  3. Looks great! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish!

  4. Your quilting looks spectacular! Thanks for describing how you went about it too.


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