
Saturday, January 4, 2020

Welcome 2020

Hi Everyone.......

Hope you all had great holiday celebrations.   Now that all the fun parties are behind us, let's plan what to do in this new year.

Plan for 2020:

For me, this year will be about Actions and Motivations.  I want to sew more and create more.  For years, I've told myself that my quilting was my hobby.  This year, it's a hobby with a bang!

I've been thinking about how to be more productive.  I decided that I'll make something every week.  My husband said back; 'Every week?'.   Well, he got me thinking, 'Every week might be a bit much, let's do every month then'.  With that mind set, I decided to join in 'One Monthly Goal' at Elm Street Quilts, when I read about Patty Dudek of the Elm Street Quilts on the Make Modern 27.  I need an extra push and motivation.

I just found out about 30 day Sketchbook challenge on Instagram  or you can go to here.  I think this can be fun to do.  I need all the help I can get to boost my creativity.  

Ok, my first 'One monthly goal' is to finish quilting this gift for a dear friend of mine.

 Yes, it's a real goal and I'll get it done!!

Again, Happy New Year everyone.


  1. That's a really nice quilt and a great goal for the month.

  2. Love that! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck with your project.

  3. Hobby with a Bang! Love it! And I love your OMG project. Good luck accomplishing your goal.


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