
Friday, December 30, 2016

Best of 2016

When I first heard that Cheryl @Meadow Mist Designs was hosting a Best of 2016 Linky Party, I wasn't going to participate because I didn't think I had much to talk about this year.  But I couldn't resist joining in the fun so here I am.  It seems we were just doing this not too long ago.  Can't believe that a year has gone by already.  Thank you Cheryl for hosting this linky party again.

Life in 2016 has been great and I'm looking forward to an even better 2017.  This year I learned not only about being a giver but a receiver.  It's hard to receive help sometimes because we may think we can do it all ourselves.  Being on the receiving end is not a sign of weakness but a testimony that guardian angels are real among ordinary people.  I've always valued my family and friends but after what happened to me this year, they are much more precious to me.  I've gained some new friends who I've met and whom I haven't yet met.  

I haven't yet met Julie Cefalu @ thecraftyquilter.com, Stephanie Palmer @ latenightquilter.com, Amy Smart @ diaryofaquilter.com and Julie Stocker @ pinkdoxies.com , but they were so gracious and generous in spending their time to review my book and helped me to promote it.  Their willingness to help out a new blogger/quilter touched my heart more than anything.  Thank you ladies.  I hope that one day I'll have an honor to meet you.

Best finished gift - Finished an UFO.


During my recovery, I didn't feel like doing any thing but the doctor said to ease back to my normal activities.  I tried to get back to sewing and reading but couldn't.  I would shy away from anything that required concentration.  For 5 months I didn't sew even one stitch and then slowly and gradually, I started to sew again.  I started this quilt for a dear friend's first baby before my health issue in January.  It was finished in late July and delivered to her in August.  

Truthful confession - So many projects, so little energy

This post showed a few of my projects for 2016 and the one I am most proud of is 'Square Dance'.  I learned to quilt with a walking foot and did the quilting myself.  Working on this quilt taught me about patience.  No matter how often the thread broke, you just have to recheck your machine and re-thread that needle!!  And a very important lesson, don't do thing at the last minute.  Loosing sleep is not a good thing.  :)

Even though it's a reject (from a competition), I love everything about this quilt.

This post also showed the new blocks I made for Kat @ Covered in Love.

I love participating in this project.  She always has fun block designs for us to make. Check out her blog to learn more about her project.  It's amazing!

Before ending I would like to mention about my tutorial post called Handbag Tutorial.  Even though I posted this in December of 2015, it still gets views even recently.  This post has over 750 page views.  It's the highest number I've got to date.  I plan to do more tutorial posts in the future.  The quilting community is amazing and I'm glad to be part of it.  I'll continue to strive and to find my voice. 

Happy New Year
Embrace and celebrate Life


  1. Congrats on such a fantastic 2016 and I wish you an even better 2017! Thanks for linking up with the Best of 2016 linky party!


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