
Saturday, December 17, 2016

Setting goals for 2017

I'm an admirer of Yvonne Fuchs's work for a while now.  When I found out that she's having a '2017 Planning Linky Party', I thought what a great idea and decided to join in.  In order to set goals for the new year, I have to look back to see how far I've come this year.  I hope to bring you along and celebrate life with me.

Reflections of 2016

2016 started out great.  I was excited and looked forward to my book with AQS that scheduled to come out in March.  Then on January 25th at 1:30am., I had a Subarachnoid hemorrhage caused by ruptured aneurysm.  At that time, I didn’t really know what happened to me.  Thank God that my husband was home, he called 911 and the paramedics got me to the nearby hospital right away.  I was transferred to Cedar Sinai Hospital at 5 am. and was immediately put into a medically induced coma while waiting to have brain surgery which would be at 4 pm.  The neuro surgeon went in and clamped the ruptured ends of the blood vessel with tiny titanium clips which will permanently stay inside my brain, then he closed up my skull with more titanium plates and screws.  I wonder when I go to the airport, if the alarms will go off because of all the heavy metal inside my head.  Haven’t tried it yet even though the surgeon said it should not.  No, the titanium is not really a heavy metal, but I just have to say that.

My surgery was a success because here I am back in great condition and I continue to do all the things that I loved.  Although not yet 100% like before, it may never be 100%, but I am grateful that I am still here with my dear family and friends.   

My biggest supporter is my dear husband.  He was with me all 30 days in the hospital through every step of the way.  Being in bed in the hospital that long is very bad for your muscles.  I pretty much lost all my muscle mass and had to exercise to gain it back.  I had to relearn to walk and to do many things that we all take for granted.  Since my aneurysm happened in the front part of my brain, my memory was affected.  The Neuro Psychiatrist helped me with my short term memory lost.  We played memory games with words and he had me copy pictures by drawing free hand.  All the physical and occupational therapists were very good and they helped me tremendously and that’s why I’m doing so well.  After being released from the hospital, I continued to have physical therapy for 3 more months at my local hospital and that also was a great help.  I regained the usage of my hands and legs which I'm very thankful.  My dear husband took time off work to be with me and helped me for 9 months.  He made sure that I rested and didn't over extend myself which I tend to do.  I'm so used to doing a lot of things such as volunteering both at church and in local communities and schools.   I slowed down and stopped some of my volunteer work. 

Most of 2016 was devoted to getting better.  My brain surgeon said I should slowly get back to my normal activities but do not stress or over exert myself.  Two restrictions he also gave me; no roller coasters and no chiropractors.  I had to laugh when I heard that because I don't like either of them.  I had a lot of time to think deeply about what is important in life.  One day I may know why I survived this ordeal, but I do know that by the grace of God that I am still here.  So many prayers were said on my behalf for which I am very grateful.  Heavenly Father has blessed me and my family beyond measure.  Some people who knew what happened to me in January, couldn't believe their eyes when they saw me.  The only thing that still bugs me is that I get tired so easily.  That's the way things are when we get older too, I was told.

By the fourth quarter, I slowly got back to sewing and blogging.  My book came out right on schedule and I had a promotion give away with lots of great prizes from various companies.  You can read about it here.

Now what's in 2017
It's like a new beginning, in fact everyday is a new beginning.  Here goes, my goals for 2017.

Quilting goals:
  1. Finish my son's new quilt.
  2. Learn to do free motion quilting.
  3. Planning for another book, either by myself or co-author with other quilters.  Publishing a book is a lot of work but it gave me a great sense of accomplishment.  
  4. Design and make more quilts and eventually publish some patterns.
  5. Finish at least 3 UFO's.  There are several quilt tops that I made for class samples when I taught at my local quilt shop.  I need to quilt them and put binding on.
 Personal progress goals:
  1. Take photography classes.  Learn to use my digital camera and take better pictures.
  2. Participate more in on-line group events.  I had a lot of fun and learned a lot from being part of on-line groups in 2015 and would like to do that again.
  3. Be more active in blogging and post more regularly.  
  4. Improve the over all design of my blog.
  5. I would love to take more trips.  We are empty-nesters turned dog sitters.
  6. Do more gardening.  This year, I let it go due to my health issue.  Can't wait for 2017 to get back into my garden.
There they are for the public to see.  A bit scary for me to put my goals out in the open.  As the year progresses, I'll give update on completion of these goals.

Visit Yvonne at Quiltingjetgirl.com for some wonderful read and to check out more of the 2017 Planning Linky Party.

Have a great day!


  1. I'm glad that you are getting back to health and feeling well enough to take on your blogging and quilting goals in 2017. I hope that things go well for you in 2017.

  2. Slowing down during recovery is tough. So is relearning basic skills. I am glad to see that you balance the relaxing hobbies with the more challenging ones. Gardening is meditative and rewarding. Your quilt goals sound much like mine. I look forward to seeing your year unfold. Best Regards.

  3. I am so glad that your recovery has gone so well, and I am especially thankful for your supportive husband. I wish you a wonderful 2017 and I hope that you can enjoy meeting your goals in a gentle, low stress way. Thanks for linking up!

  4. Margo congratulations to your recovery and to progress you made over the last 9 months. That is no small thing. All the best for 2017. You goals sound lovely.

  5. Glad to hear you are mending, what an ordeal for you. I wish you all the best.

  6. Boy, my health mishaps pale in comparison to what you had to deal with - kudos to you for such an amazing recovery.
    I see we both have son's quilts on our to-do lists. I look forward to beginning my project.
    Popped by from the planning party.

  7. Glad to hear your recovery is doing well and you have great goals for 2017!

  8. I am a new blogger and want to make my blog better as well! May you have many blessings and blog success in your New Year! http://quiltlovefordomesticfelicity.blogspot.com/

  9. lets toast to your continued health

  10. Cheers to your quilting and personal progress goals! I look forward to following along on your continued progress.


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