
Tuesday, January 10, 2023

WIP for January

I started the disappearing 4-patch charity quilt for ValleyMQG. There is something mysterious about working on a project that had many hands involved before it gets to you. I’ve done this before, you can read about it here

I have 8 4-patch blocks that needed to be cut, rearranged and sewn back together.  I turned on my favorite music and lost myself in it.  What I did was turning on an autopilot mode and took off.   

1. There was no instructions, so I looked for disappearing 4-patch block tutorial. 

2. I started cutting one block at a time and rearranged the pieces.  Here are pictures of a block.   Having a swirly cutting board is very helpful!!


3. Sewing started after I got all the blocks cut. This is the step that having a zen-like mood is really helpful.  Because each person sews differently and no two sewing machines are alike, I tried my best to match the seams. Only 8 blocks to do, I kept reminding myself. 😂🤣   Before I knew it, I've finished 5 blocks.

4. After I get all 8 blocks done, I’ll trim all 20 blocks to a uniform size of 14” squares.  Then we'll see what I have on the design wall.

Thanks for stopping by.



  1. Margo your Disappearing four patch blocks are coming along nicely. Well done on your progress. Thank you for linking with To Do Tuesday. Happy sewing this week. 😃

  2. I love disappearing blocks and yours will be so pretty. I like the colors you're using!

  3. What a great idea for a group project! Love the fabrics. Can't wait to see your blocks. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.

  4. This is a fun project, and for sure the swirly cutting board is helpful!
    Thank you for sharing, and linking up!


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