
Wednesday, January 4, 2023

How I Start Off the New Year

 Happy New Year everyone!!

I hope you all had a fabulous Holidays celebrations.  I sure did and plus I had some time to rest and relax without worrying about traveling.  Now it's time to get back to the real world.


I would like to start this year with getting organized.

This year I'll try to organize my sewing space.  I joined in with Karen Brown at Just Get It Done Quilts.  Karen is running Declutter Challenge 2023.  We'll see how much I can accomplish this year.


I also want to start the year with charity quilt projects: 

1. Finishing a project for Valley MQG Philanthropy's on going projects.  I picked up a bag and this is what's inside. 


It's a disappearing 4-patch blocks.  There are 8 4-patch blocks that I have to cut, rearrange and sew them back together.  There are 12 blocks that were sewn up already too.  Interesting!!  I've never done this design before.  Can't wait to get started.

2. Start a charity quilt for Quilting for Community (Q4C).  I got these four lovely fabrics from them and will start making a top in a few days.  I'm using Intersection block pattern that I designed for MQG Journal in 2021.  If you're a MQG member, you can go to their resource page to get the pattern.  There are tons of interesting patterns and articles on the MQG Resource Library.  I really enjoy reading and going around the MQG website.


That is my plan to start the new year for now.  I'm sure there will be more quilts that I want to make.  Some of them are just an idea, but some are already in the design step.

Thank you so much for stopping by.




  1. Happy New Year Margo.
    Looks like you have some fun projects in the planning stage. It will be fun to see these as they progress. Good luck with your list and thank you for linking with To Do Tuesday
    😉 Carol
    Quilt Schmilt@gmail.com

  2. Great way to start out the new year, Margo!!! I'll be looking forward to seeing your charity quilts. That cowboy version especially looks like fun fabrics!!!

  3. Those are cute fabrics for your charity quilt. Good luck with your goals! I'm off to check out the declutter challenge you linked to. :)

  4. Happy New Year! It's always great to get organized. I love working on Comfort Quilts to give to others! Looking forward to seeing your creations.

  5. What fun projects to start the new year! Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  6. What fun projects to declutter with. There is something both peaceful and energizing about working on simple charity quilts.

  7. Good luck with the studio organization! Starting the year off with some charity sewing sounds like a great plan :)

  8. Happy New Year!!! Good luck with organizing - I don't like the work but love the end effect haha!!!
    Your new fabrics are gorgeous!


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