
Sunday, December 11, 2022

Disappointing News and Good News

 First disappointing news:  

The quilt 'Inside Lines' wasn't accepted to 2023 QuiltCon.  😞


Now the good news: 😄

I submitted three quilts to SAQA's Global Exhibition Minimalism and 'Autumn 21' got in.   


This is 'Autumn 21'.  



The inspiration for this quilt came from Architectural designs all around us. We see them everywhere we go. Even the simplest form and function makes everyday life easier like hand rails on the steps.


The Minimalism will premiere at the European Patchwork Meeting in September 2023 in Alsace, France.  The exhibition will travel for 3 years.  I'm excited that my quilt will get to travel the world.   I'll miss it while it's having fun!!


Thanks for visiting.  Have a wonderful week.



  1. What a wonderful quilt! I love the quilting lines and the pattern totally reminds me of the escalators in the malls (once you mentioned stairs). Congratulations on being selected!

  2. Margo congratulations! That's kind of like God closing one door and opening a window somewhere, right? :D
    Autumn 21 is a stunning quilt. Hope someone will send you photos of it while it is on tour.

  3. Congrats on your entries. Beautiful work.

  4. Congratulations on your entries and your acceptance! Thanks for linking up to TGIFF!

  5. Congratulations! I'm too far from Alsace since we moved, but friends will go and will admire your beautiful quilt. I'm so happy for you!

  6. Congratulations to you! It's such a beautiful piece.

  7. Congratulations on getting into Minimalism. Your piece definitely fits the perspective. A minimalist Modrian with a Modern spin.

  8. How exciting to have a quilt travel the world! I wish you could go with it, and talk to the people looking at it in every venue. Congratulations! Hugs, Judy

  9. Congrats!!! That is quite and accomplishment!!!

  10. Wow this is huge! That SAQA exhibit travels everywhere. I've seen it at the show in Houston, and large regional shows here in my state. Hopefully it will be at a show I attend so I can see it!

  11. Congratulations !!!! Lovely design A21


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