
Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Unforeseen Problems


I made this top in 2018, basted it in 2021, and was ready to quilt it this month until I looked at it three weeks ago.  That was when I decided to make a change to the top.  The top is 60”x72” and I want to make it for a queen size bed.  I found out that I didn't have enough of the original grey fabric to make more blocks.  The grey fabric is Kona but I don't have any record of the name so I can't order it online.   My sweet husband drove me to several fabric stores around here and couldn't find the exact same color, so I decided to make it scrappy which I'm very happy about.  I found some grey/white fabric from my stash to mix in with different shades of greys.  That was when I realized that I have undo the top to mix in the new blocks.  I can't just add a row and column to the original top.  The real work begins........


Lesson learned; for future projects, make a note of the name of the color, fabric, manufacturer, etc...

I set a goal for February to make 6 more blocks for this top.  I ended up making 11 so far.  I'm making a few more just to mix things up a bit.  I really like the scrappy look.

Thanks for stopping by.  Have a great week!!



  1. I'm looking forward to seeing how it comes out in the end, Margo! Sounds like your steamboating along!

  2. Beautiful quilt top, it's going to be fun watching it while it's growing. I love the idea of mixing other blocks. Go for creativity!

  3. Since you now love scrappy, always make scrappy, and whatever you throw in will make the whole quilt more interesting. AND you'll never run out of fabric to add. Giggle!


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