
Tuesday, January 25, 2022

I’m Grateful for a Remake - January OMG Finished

I’m also grateful for a second chance.  Six years ago today, I had a second chance. I had a ruptured brain aneurysm and emergency surgery to fix it. No one really knew what the outcome would be for me. Would I be able to regain functions of my physical body and to continue my various activities?  The outcome was incredible and here I am six years later, alive and well.  Thanks to all the good doctors, nurses and physical therapists at the Cedar Sinai Hospital.  They all said that they had never seen a patient recover so fast and so well as me. 

How thankful I am that so many people from church, my family and my friends said prayers on my behalf.  How merciful God is to bless me and allow me to continue to be here with my loved ones.  How incredible it is that I am able to use my hands and feet to do things that I love.  Life is so precious!!


For January, I set a goal to make Max a new coat.  First let's compare the old one, in the first picture, to the new one, in the second picture.


The old coat is a little small and too tight around the neck. I think Max gained a few more pounds since then.  I lengthened the shoulder straps and enlarged the whole body piece by 1/2 inch.  I also changed the belly straps from two pieces to meet in the middle under the body to one strap from one side across the belly to the opposite side. 

Max loves his daily walk.  He would never miss it for the world.  He will come and remind us as if he's afraid that we forget.  I took some pictures on our walk.



I'm so grateful for the remake.  Now Max has a new coat that he's happy to wear.


Let's go to the Elm Street Quilts for January OMG finish link-up to see other finished projects.



Joshua 24:15.....choose you this day whom ye will serve....but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.


  1. Thrilled for your 2nd chance and all you've accomplished in the ensuing years, Margo!! It looks like Max likes his new coat. Well done on completing your OMG project!

  2. So glad you have a second chance at living, including stitching, Margo! Max's coat looks like a great fit, and a dashing plaid-look!!!

  3. Max looks very handsome in his new coat!

  4. Second chance is precious, I'm so happy you had yours. Lovely coat, it looks like cozy and warm.
    Thank you for sharing such a grateful post, and linking up.

  5. How wonderful to celebrate your second chance at life and your ability to continue expressing yourself through your art. Max is looking cozy and handsome. I'm sure he thinks he's taking you for a walk!

  6. How blessed you are for your recovery and current good health. That is wonderful. Max is looking pretty sharp there!


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