
Tuesday, June 29, 2021

It will be some changes from this blog

Hi Everyone,

I have a quick announcement for those of you who get my blog posts in your email.  As you may have heard, Feedburner, the service that previously allowed you to subscribe and receive posts in your inbox, is closing down soon.   I finally found one service that allows me to roll all my followers over, hopefully, with minimal interruptions.

The new service is called follow.it and you don't have to do anything.   There might be a few glitches here and there which I hope to avoid.  You might get a few duplicate emails, I hope you will hang in there with me.  

If you have not previously subscribed by email and you think that sounds like a good idea, there is a new widget on the right side bar to enter you email address and begin receiving blog posts!

Blogging has become a way for me to document my work and to get out from under a rock and reach out to the world.  Along the way I have met many wonderful people and treasure your friendships.  I appreciate all my readers and thank you for reaching out to me in return. 

Have a fantastic day!!!






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Thanks for visiting my blog and taking the time to comment. I enjoy reading each and every one and will respond with an email. If you don't get an email response, it's probably because you're a "no reply blogger" and I have no way to contact you! If you don't hear from me, check back at the original blog post for my reply.