
Saturday, January 23, 2021

UFO and WIP for 2021

I organized my stash last week and found some UFO that I totally forgot about along with the quilt tops that I made last year.   I should put them on a list to remind myself to work on them this year.   Here's the UFO list and pictures with corresponding numbers. 

  1. Starbright quilt repair------------------Jan. 
  2. Windmill quilt (basting&quilting)--------------Feb.??
  3.  Journey 2 (basting&quilting)--------------------May
  4. Time to Sew (quilting)----------------------------??
  5. Candy Box quilt (basting&quilting)------------April



Then I made a list of new projects I want to do this year.  Some are  WIP, while the others are just ideas.

  1. Love tote bag (WIP)--------------------Feb. 
  2. Autumn 21  (#2)  -----------------------March
  3. My City quilt (WIP)--------------------March
  4. Chocolate Dipped quilt (WIP)--------April
  5. Sewing room window quilt #2--------May
  6. Pantone color of the year quilt--------??
  7. Purple baby quilt (WIP)---------------June
  8. Jean Up quilt----------------------------July
  9. Hands2Help quilt-----------------------??
  10. A quilt for my niece--------------------Sept.

The months are tentatively put in to give me ideas of the time frame, but as the year goes by, I'm sure there will be some changes.


Now that I have things down in writing, I feel better and hopeful.  I learned from last year that making goals is good for me.  

Have a great quilting time.....


  1. Well done on making your lists and it is a reminder to me to try and make a couple of lists also. My goodness, I can't believe it is late January already & I've hardly posted even though I've managed a few crafty bits'n'pieces. Not much over this weekend with temps in the very high 30s. Take care, stay safe & warm.

  2. I agree--writing them down and working from a list is a great idea and gets things done! Your Candy Box quilt is so colorful and fun!


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