
Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Face Your Fear Project Update

I had a lot of fun, more than I should, working on the Face Your Fear Project.  It's finished with a sleeve and ready to move out.  I'll put a label on it before the moving day.  This is my Jan. OMG as posted in here.


Face Your Fear - front 12.5" x 24"

Face Your Fear - back

Link up to To-do Tuesday


  1. Wow, this is amazing! Thanks for sharing.

  2. This came out so nice, even though I hate snakes. Hope it will e appreciated.

  3. Hi Margo! Yes, that would be one of my fears, too. And what a nice piece this turned into - I just LOVE how you quilted it. Thank you, also, for linking up this week. ~smile~ Roseanne

  4. I don't mind snakes, as some people do, but either way this is a great quilt.

  5. you reinforced the sense of fear with the topsy turvy background and choosing a rattle snake vs. garter snake. Well done!

  6. From reading your other posts about this little quilt, just because you've faced your fear doesn't mean you plan to live with it! It's a great design and hopefully the recipient will appreciate it.

  7. The quilting is wonderful, love the sinuous lines, matching the "thing" ;)
    Thanks for sharing!

  8. Your quilt is beautiful (terrifying?) both on the front and the back. Amazing job!

  9. Beautiful piece. Your quilting enhances the snake.

  10. Great result! Has making this helped assuage your fear?

  11. Interesting concept for a quilt! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish!

  12. That is definitely one of my fears. Congratulations on your finish.


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