
Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Long overdue blog post, finished quilts and works in progress

Hi there.....

It's been awhile since I posted anything.  I'm still around, just doing a lot of sewing and didn't want to interrupt the flow of desire to create.  My sewing, or anything I try to do, has gotten slower these days.  I've taken a lot of breaks in between.  

I've been busy sewing a few projects that I didn't get to write the blog.  I have to confess that Instagram has become my new favorite toy.  If you follow my Instagram, you would have seen these quilts already.  It's easier to take pictures and post them on Instagram with short captions and be done.  I can get back to sewing right away with little interruption.

I'm going to get right into the things that I've been working on.  The first project is the challenge at the Valley MQG.  We had 'Black and White' challenge in February and this is my creation.  In February, I only showed the top and now I'm ready to quilt it.  I would like to try facing instead of binding for this one.  I will show you when it's done.

Then I made these baby quilts.

These baby quilts are a lot of fun to make.  All the HST blocks in the second quilt came from the first quilt.  I also made couple more baby quilts for gifts but I didn't have a chance to take their pictures.  With those quilts I used the Faux Rag technique which is perfect for winter time. 

I'm making a lot of progress on my son new quilt.  I got all 120 blocks and the top is done.  Here is the picture of his quilt top. 

I hope you can see it ok because my design wall is too small for this quilt.  Next would be preparing it for quilting and I'll post again when I'm done.  For this quilt, I have purchased a bamboo batting for it while I was at the Road to California Quilt show in January.  I'm anxious to use it and will report back.  

We have a new baby in the family.  My niece had a baby girl about two weeks ago and I'm making her this quilt.  Her color theme is blue and green, but I couldn't stop myself from sneaking in a few pink and orange.  :)

This is my first Clamshell quilt.  I should be done with it this week.  I'm doing it the Faux Rag way!  This is just to try out the new ruler that I got.  It's the Clammy ruler from Latifah Saffir Studio.  Our Valley MQG is offering a workshop with her at the end of the month which I'm very excited about.  I think there still are some spots available.  If you're here in Southern California, come check it out.

Have a great sewing day!!

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