
Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Happy Chinese New Year and WIP's

This year is the year of the Rooster. It is always fun to go to a Chinese restaurant and get to read the paper place setting that has zodiac sign descriptions on it while waiting for our food.  Here is the one for Roosters.

The Rooster
1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017......

Roosters tend to be straight-shooters who appreciate the same practicality in others. They're highly efficient in their work and trustworthy in their friendships. Roosters are classic self-starters who, unsurprisingly, also happen to be very punctual.

Here is another one I found online, but forgot to write where I found it, "Observant, hardworking, resourceful, courageous, and talented"

Here's another one from Wikipedia, "The Roosters are said to possess endurance and application, with slow accumulation of energy, meticulous at planning but tending to hold fixed opinions. They also are said to be hard-working, modest, industrious, loyal, philosophical, patient, good-hearted and morally upright, but can also be self-righteous, egotistical, vain, judgmental, narrow-minded or petty."

These quotes are meant for entertainment only!!

We had our celebrations at my in-law's house.  There was so much good food and we had a great time seeing cousins and relatives that we don't get to see often.

I did some sewing last week and made some progress on my son's new quilt.  It needs 120 blocks and I'm half way there.  I put them on the design wall to play with.  Here is the layout that both he and I liked.

Continued to cut more squares and will work on it again tomorrow.  

I also played with Monochromatic design and curved piecing.  At the Valley MQG, we are working on a monochromatic theme Opportunity quilt and I would like to submit this block to be part of it.  Scott, the President, has a really cool design idea.  I'll show the picture of my block as it progresses.

The new challenge from Valley MQG for February is using black and white fabric to make something.  I've been making EPP hexagons for sometimes now.  Last week I used some of them for this wall hanging quilt.  I put batting and backing fabric on and used a walking foot to quilt as I sewed the stems and applique the hexagons on.  Next is quilting the background and binding.

It is good to be busy and I really enjoyed making all these projects.

Have a great day and sew on!

Link up to Let's Bee Social


  1. I'm not a rooster myself but my sister is, she definitely has some of those traits. What a lovely way to use up your hexagons, lovely design, I'd like to see a colour version too. Happy New Year.

  2. I really liked your son's quilt, so followed your links hoping to find a link to the pattern. Is there one....a pattern? It’s so striking. Love your monochromatic curves. Now I have to scroll to see what you’ve done with this block!


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