
Friday, June 24, 2016

It's a beautiful world

I have been a recipient of kindness from people around me; some of whom I've never met. Back in January, when the news of my medical emergency spread, many people immediately said that they would pray for me. Guild member friends sent flowers and get well cards.  Some left messages offering help in any way. They gave me rides when I needed it, and some brought dinner to my house. I'm touched beyond words.  I know I'm blessed to know so many nice and wonderful people.

It's been awhile since my last post.  It's been quite crazy around here after the book promotion and giveaway in May.  Again, I'm so thankful for wonderful quilters/bloggers who volunteered to review my book.  Thanks to Julie Cefalu from thecraftyquilter.com, Stephanie Palmer from latenightquilter.com, Amy Smart from diaryofaquilter.com and Julie Stocker from pinkdoxies.com

Summer vacation is in full swing but we haven't planned to go anywhere this year.  We are just taking it easy around the house but this may change next month, who know?  I took this opportunity to finish some of the quilts that I started sometimes ago and to start some new ones.  My American sister just welcomed her second grandchild and she wanted a whale design.  So I made a whale quilt from the book Soft and Cozy Keepsakes.   It's been shipped to Hawaii yesterday.  Here is the picture.

I also finished the VMQG May challenge, using the Faux Rag Quilting technique as well.  I'm behind schedule, shame on me.  The lightening part is  really tricky but fun to sew.  I'm really happy with the way it turned out. 

The pile of Japanese fabric below is from my VMQG friend, Lois.  I've been collecting Asian fabric for some time, but the collection is growing very slowly.  With this pile, my collection is triple in size.  I can't wait to make something out of these fabrics.  Thanks Lois!!!

It's a beautiful world!!!


  1. Again amazingly beautiful work Margo! It's so great to see that you are feeling better each day. I love the new whale quilt pattern. Thank you for inspiring so many with your talents.


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