
Monday, July 25, 2016

Quilt blocks for Pulse

The  Orlando Modern Quilt Guild is having QuiltsforPulse Charity Drive.  They are accepting blocks, quilts, and/or donations. Go to the link above for details.  

The Valley MQG is supporting this drive by asking that our members make a 10" heart block and bring it in at our July meeting.  We then will send all the blocks to Orlando. 

This is my block.

The heart fabric is made by piecing several strips of Asian fabric together and cut out to 2 pieces of 3 1/2" x 6 1/2".  Allison of Cluckclucksew has great tutorial for making different size heart blocks.  You can also check out number of quilts for Pulse and heart blocks from Instagram.

I finally finished the baby quilt that I started back in January before my emergency surgery.  It's being washed right now.  After I take some pictures, I'll post them here.  Bye now, have a great day!


  1. How awesome that you guys were able to make blocks to send to Pulse. I'm hoping to get my quilt mailed to them next week. Hope everything is going well since your surgery. And woot! Can't wait to see your baby quilt.

    1. Thanks Tish. I'm doing better, it's still day by day for me. We got quite a number of blocks at our July meeting. So glad we could do this.


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