
Sunday, December 27, 2015

The Best of 2015 and the Anticipation for 2016

When I saw that Cheryl at Meadow Mist Designs is hosting a Best of 2015 Linky Party, I decided to join in even though I don't have many pictures of quilts to show.   I visited a few blogs on the Linky Party and I was filled with admiration at the beautiful quilts that many of you have done in just one year. 

Reflecting Back:
The best part of 2015 was that I finished 12 quilts, 4 pillow covers and 2 tote bags for my book with the AQS.  All of which are my original design.  The worst part was that I couldn't show any of them on my blog.  It has been very difficult to not be able to talk about what I have done from the second half of 2014 to the first quarter of 2015.  It will be a big relief when the time comes and I can post an introduction of my book and show some pictures. 

The sad part of this year was that I lost my dear mother in June.  I went back to Thailand in March to be with her and stayed until the end of May.  I came home just in time to celebrate my daughter's graduation from college and then went back to Thailand a week later for my mother's funeral.  Due to the heavy flight schedules during the summer vacation, I couldn't find a flight home until almost the end of July.   I was glad to be back and tried to pick myself up and continue with what I was doing.  

During that time I was part of the 2015 New Bloggers blog hop.  I had been blogging for about a year at the time, and didn't know much about social media.  It was an eye opening journey and I'm glad I took it.  

Then we went on to the 2015 Fabric-Quilt New Block blog hop, which was a lot of fun.   In that blog hop, I got to design a block and it was picked to be part of the 2016 Quilter's Planner by Stephanie Palmer.  That was super-duper fantastic experience for me.  

All these social media activities had forced me to get out of my comfort zone, to interact with others whom I didn't know.  I used to be happy sewing and making crafts in my little sewing room and shared with my own friends.  These activities had helped me to learn new things and to widen my horizon.  One best thing, among other things, is learning to express my feelings in writing, and in English.  Believe me, it's not easy!   I was taught to be humble and not to brag or even talk about myself.  I learned it the hard way when I came to the US and had to go for job interviews.   People perceived me as not having confidence in what I did just because I didn't boast about myself.  But it's all good.  Everything happens for a reason, right?  Now I just have to be careful not to get carried away.....  :)

I must say I have widened my horizon.  I've got to know more bloggers/quilters who are really nice and willing to share their knowledge with a newbie.  Since then, I've joined two quilter's guilds, two mini groups and a few Facebook quilting groups.  The negative of this is that I have less time to sew for myself, but what I gain is joy in being with people with the same interests.  Next year I'll be better at organizing my time with all these new activities.

2015 was also the year of many firsts for me.  I made my first mini quilt with free motion quilting. 

I loved it so much that I made 3 more mini quilts

I posted my first Handbag tutorial and a free pattern giveaway, which was a lot of fun. 

I also made my very first black quilt.  It's for my VMQG challenge and you can read about it here.

In all, 2015 was a great year.   

Looking Forward:

2016 will be very exciting and interesting year.  I'll be promoting my book.   There will be many coveted giveaway prizes when it's time for the book review.  Check back for more information on what to come next year.  I already have one speaking engagement in April at the Valley Modern Quilt Guild.  This will be my first public speaking related to quilt making.  I'm so looking forward to it. 

It will be the year of more designing and making quilts.  Since I joined the modern quilt guild, I want to try my hand at modern quilt designs.  I love what I've seen so far and can't wait to do some experiments with improv piecing and machine quilting.  In so doing, I hope to post more tutorials to share.

It will be a better year of  blogging and contributing.  I hope to be able to contribute more to the quilting community.  I love what I have experienced so far and I feel that it's just the tip of the iceberg.  There is so much more that we can do as a quilter.  Life is a blessing, especially for me, and it's our duty to share.  It will be a better year of reaching out to the quilting universe.

It will be my second blogging anniversary in February which I'm very happy about.  There will be some giveaways for that too so keep your eyes open for that blog as well.

Thanks Cheryl for hosting this Linky Party.  I'm not much of a list maker as far as goals are concerned.  I pretty much plan what I want to do and just do it.  Now that I have things in writing, I'm more motivated to execute them.

Have a great New Year everyone!!
Linking up with Cheryl of Meadow Mist Designs for her Linky Party.  Write your own post for your Best of 2015 and come join the party!


  1. Beautiful quilts! I love the one with the birds! :)

  2. I love your mini quilts Margo. This is a great end of year post. Here's to a wonderful 2016.

    1. Thank you so much Lisa for visiting. Happy New Year to you too.

  3. Great post, I can't wait until you can show us your quilts from your book! Thanks for linking up.

    1. Thanks, Cheryl. A few more months, we all will get to see it. I'm very anxious myself!

  4. Your campfire quilt is gorgeous--and pops so beautifully on the black background!!

    1. Mel, thank you so much for stopping by. The campfire quilt is my favorite too.

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