
Wednesday, June 3, 2015

My first mini quilt!

Last Saturday, I was browsing on Pinterest and saw a really cute mini quilt from samelia'smum.com and decided that I would make one.  I didn't use the tutorial, but you can go to the tutorial here.

From the picture, I started free hand drawing the design on a pattern paper and cut out a few bird shapes from scrap that I have.  I've done some free motion quilting before, but it's been a long time, 5 years to be precise.  Wow, that's a long time since my daughter's college quilt!  I'm really out of shape on this one, but I thought I'd give it a try.  I need practice, right?

I have some white linen fabric left over from my skirt, so I used that for the quilt top.  I guess I'll find out how this linen fabric will look as a quilt top, I told myself while I cut it into 18 inch-square.  With Wonder Under, I fussed the bird shapes on the top.  I layered the back, batting and the top, pin basted them and I was ready to give it a try.  Before I started on the real quilt, I took some muslin, scrap batting and practice the free motion for awhile.  I was all over the place.  Then I was ready to start on the mini quilt.

I sew around the edge of the bird bodies twice, 4 times on the tails.  I sew 3 times on the wire, and 4 times on each letters.  At first I didn't plan to do any quilting, so I squared up the quilt and sew binding on it.  Here is the picture.

I didn't like the way it looked.  The linen looks puffy even though I pin basted all three layers really well.  I threw it in the washer, hoping that it will look different when it came out.  It looked worse.  Not only that it's still puffy, the linen top was all wrinkled.  So I did some free motion quilting in the background area.  The quilting is supposed to be loops all over.  Here is the picture.  Do you think it looks better, or worse?

Over all I had fun making this project, and I learned a few things from it.

1. Never use linen which is not intended for quilting.
2. Learn to use my new digital camera, or go take a class, so I'll take better picture. 
3. Practice, practice and more practice free motion quilting.

Have a blessed week, everyone!


  1. Both versions are nice but I think it's great that you did FMQ - I always chicken out! (Those little birds are way too cute!!)

  2. I love my quilts densely quilted and I think the FMQ sets off the birds. I think it is really a matter of preference. I like it without the dense quilting, but personally I prefer the heavily quilted version.

    Sadly Blogspot is refusing to accept my wordpress/open ID name: quiltmusings.wordpress.com

  3. I love the quiltedone, much nicer, you did a great job!

  4. Totally adorable little quilt (and I couldn't agree with the sentiment more!)...I think it looks better, more "finished" with the FMQ all over! What a fun little guy to have around!!! I have used osnaburg for a linen look... it is much flatter, thinner, fwiw :)

    1. Thanks, Sarah. I have to check out the osnaburg one day.

  5. I like the FMQ version best. Seems to make the birds pop out more to me! Looks great and very cute!

  6. This is so cute!! I love the little birds and the quilting really makes it pop!
    *Found via 2015 New Quilt Bloggers Hop*

    1. Thanks, Ashley. I look forward to more fun in 2015 New Quilt Bloggers Hop with everyone. Glad you stopped by.

  7. Oh I love those birds. Much better quilted. Found you vis SewFreah blog hop. Glad I did.

  8. So very cute. I think you did a great job. Your quilting really makes it look fantastic. visiting from Let's Bee Social.

  9. I remember seeing that quilt! It looks a lot better with the quilting. I love it so much I may have to make one.

    1. Thanks, Sunny. My feelings exactly, when I saw the quilt.

  10. I love it! The quilting adds alot!

  11. Hello, I'm visiting from the New Quilt Blogger Hop. I blog at www.quiltingmod.com. Your mini is adorable! That's good to know about linen. I've been tempted a few times, but was nervous to trying using something other that quilting cottons.


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