
Friday, April 19, 2024

Distractions in Life

This new 2024 has not been smooth running for me.  Many of you knew about my challenges with the Quilt Inc who organized the show in Houston.  I ended that unfortunate incidence in February as you can read about it here.   To help me to feel better, I started working on the charity quilt for my guild, the VMQG.  

Then came the turbulence in March.  My husband's older brother, who was a good son, a great husband, a kind and loving father and a beloved brother, unexpectedly passed away.  Everything in our lives were put on hold that month and we all gathered around his brother's family with love and support.  We went up and down on the roller coaster of life, laughed and cried together.  We held on to one another and we still keep that bond going.

Then came April, I thought that things had settled down and I could get back to making and creating.  Little did I know that life still had more rocks to throw in my way.  On the morning of April 2nd, I decided to go for a walk around the neighborhood as I often do.  Neighbors are out walking and running their dogs.  A young lady was running her German shepherd/Husky mix dog.  I saw them about 10 feet away so I walked closer to the curb to give them more room to pass.  As they were passing me, the dog jumped up and bit me on the upper left arm.  It was an unprovoked attack and he knocked me down onto the curb.  The dog charged at me again but I rolled onto the lawn to avoid the second attack.  There was a group of five people who saw the whole thing, they rushed over to help me.  I was in total shock and bleeding.   Thank goodness for good Samaritans.  They helped me and the young lady, who was in a worse state of shock than me.  Couple of the ladies from the group walked me back home and the owner of the dog took me to get medical care.  I'm better now, the wounds are all healed.  There are unsightly scars but I'm ok.  

I went into depression a little bit while I was recovering from the wound.  I didn't want to sew, I just had to stop and stay still for awhile.  One scripture came to my mind: Psalm 46:10 “Be still, and know that I am God.....".    I can't help stop thinking about the distractions, or as I call them; rocks, in this life that demand our attention.  

Now, I continue working on the charity project and my Denim quilt projects.  I'm making progress on the quilting of the Blue House quilt. This is what's on my design wall right now.



I keep rotating the circle piece around.  I'm planning to use inset circle technique for this piece.  In a certain angle, it reminds me of a pacman game.  Can't wait to see how this quilt will look like in the near future. 

What to do when life throws you curve balls?  Do the best you can to deal with them.  Be still when you can, meditate and remember that you're not alone.  I'm grateful for family, kind people on the street and friends around me.  

Have a great day.  May God bless you always.

In addition to the linky parties on the sidebar, I also link up to:

To Do Tuesday  hosted by Carol at Quilt Schmilt 

Put Your Foot Down at For the Love of Geese  (Thursday)

Peacock Party at Wendy’s Quilts and More  (Friday)


  1. Oh my, I am so sorry to hear of your struggles. I pray things will get better for you and your family. I love the work you do and hope some day I will get more adventurous in my quilting.

  2. Oh Margo, I'm so sorry for all the tough times you've been through. For sure family and friends help a lot against depression, sewing and quilting without thinking, easy blocks, can be very therapeutic too. I hope you will feel soon. By the way, I love your denim project and your creativity. It's going to be another fabulous quilt!

  3. Those are distractions indeed, my goodness! I'm so sorry about your brother-in-law. I am praying for you and your family. And the dog bite is just horrifying. My mother was bitten by a dog when she was walking in Riverside, CA. She was in her 80s, and she never got over that fear. You are such a kind and gentle person, it is hard to imagine you having to go through these "rocks", but you are steering your troubled mind in a good direction. Maybe you should call that beautiful piece "Curve Ball". ;)

  4. Margo, what a time you have been having. I'm so sorry. It's good to see you back creating. Love your work.

  5. I recently was bitten by a dog also, but its owner was not at all helpful. Animal Control called yesterday to say that they are turning the case over to the courts as the owner won't open her door to let them serve the citation. My wounds are healing and I am hopeful that I won't have any permanent damage. Thinking of you.

  6. So very sorry to hear of your loss and that horrible April day! I'm so glad to see you creating again. Love how Blue House is coming along. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.

  7. Hi Margo, it sounds like you've had a really rough past few months. I really hope that things will get better. Take good care of yourself. Thanks for linking up to Free Motion Mavericks.

  8. No wonder you aren't happy with 2024. Hopefully it will be better over the coming months. I'm glad to see you are beginning to work (play) with fabrics again. It might be just what you need at this time. Hugs.


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