
Monday, February 13, 2023

Learning A New Skill and WIP in February

I'm done with the second charity quilt top for Q4C. You can read about the first quilt top here and see the finished top here.

For this one, I decided to use 3 fabrics. There is only one Intersection block repeated over and over without rotation.  This is the layout for this quilt. 

I'm amazed at how different the two quilt tops looks.  With a minor change of fabric and the way the blocks are put together, we get a new look!   There will not be any borders, just a dark red for binding.  It was delivered yesterday.


I've got a new project and it's a baby quilt for a dear friend's first grandson.  I haven't decided on the pattern but I pulled out some fabric.  I'm sure I'll add some more fabric into this pile later.

Last week, I took my first longarm quilting class.  After many years of wanting to learn a longarm FMQ, I didn't really know what to expect.  We started at 1 pm.; the class is a 3-hour class.  The instructor started by showing me how to turn on the machine which is a Nolting longarm quilting machine.  She let me play by moving the machine around with the stitch regulator and also without the stitch regulator to feel the difference between the two modes.  My first time having my hands on a longarm!!  It felt so powerful and fast!  I love the stitch regulator mode; I can use all the help I can get.  The stitches come out so nice and even.  I moved the machine around in swirly motion, but later came back to straight lines.  I guess I was trying to imitate the straight line quilting style I do on my domestic machine. 

She then showed me how to mount a quilt on to the machine, how to wind a bobbin and where to put it in.  We mounted a real baby quilt top on.  She showed me how to baste it using a single stitch around the area about 20" which is the area I'll be quilting.   She then said ok, let's quilt.  I was freaking out a bit because I was afraid to ruin a good quilt top.  This baby quilt is supposed to be a donation and I didn't want to mess it up.  She said it's fine go for it, and said many encouraging things to me.  After seeing me still stressed, she left me alone to calm down.  I sat there quietly for 5-10 minutes, then gathered myself up and started to move the machine around in a swirling motion.  I had no idea what I was doing, but my hands kept the machine moving.  When I was done with the first area, I moved the quilt upward to the next area and on and on.  By 3:45 pm., I was done with the whole piece.  What a rush and I liked it!!


My very first Free motion quilting on a longarm

I probably don't remember all the things she taught me.   This is not the first time that I force myself to do things that's new to me.   I was intimidated at first, but it turned out to be a really fun thing to learn.  I need more practice time to familiarize myself with the machine.  Look forward to play some more with the longarm machine. 

Thanks for stopping by.  Hope you all have a great week ahead!!


I am linking today to Carol at Quilt Schmilt!


  1. Margo congratulations on the new quilt finish. Love the fabric pull for the new quilt. How much fun is it that you took a longarm class. I love my machine, but still remember the anxiety of just starting on the first few stitches on a real quilt. Looks like you did great and had fun once you got going. Thank you for linking with To Do Tuesday.

  2. Wowee your quilt looks great! You did so well for your first time. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.

  3. How fun for you to try your hand at the longarm! I have the Nolting Funquilter 17", love it!!! The more you do the easier it gets and the more comfortable you will be. Looks like you did a great job!!

  4. Your quilting looks great! I applaud your bravery in learning a new skill of longarm quilting. Our local quilt store has classes from time to time, and I hope to take one some day, too!

  5. Well done with the class, and mastering the long arm quilting. Your first work looks very professional.
    Thank you for sharing, and linking up!

  6. I like that intersection one - that is a cool block repeated!
    and go you!!! looks like you did a great job on the longarm!!!


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