
Wednesday, August 3, 2022

August OMG and Fabric Pull for a New Project

It’s time to set OMG for August. This month goal is to finish quilting the wedding gift.  You can go to the Elm Street Quilts to see more OMG link-up.

Today I also pulled some fabric out for a new project.  There may be one or two more additional colors to this pile.


These colors make me very happy, just from looking at them.  I'm very excited about this new idea that I have.  I'll talk more about it as the project progresses.

Thanks for visiting and have a great sewing time!



  1. Those colors make me happy, too. They have a great childlike whimsical vibe to them.

  2. Wowzer Margo. Those blues look great. And, your fabric pull talks to me too. Get going on it -- I'm looking forward to what you come up with.

  3. Have fun quilting your August OMG, such a lovely wedding quilt. Your fabric selection is wonderful!
    Thank you for sharing and linking up!

  4. Awesome finish! They're going to love it! Looking forward to your new solids quilt!!!


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