
Monday, December 13, 2021

December OMG finished

This month I set a goal to make a baby gift for a friend. It’s all finished and gifted yesterday. Here are the pictures of the front and part of the back.

This quilt was a joy to make.  Faux Rag quilting is fast and produces  great result.  I love it!!

Update on my quilted Christmas ornaments.  When I first planned for this project, I thought it would be fast and I would make tons of them in no time because they were only 4 inches small.  The reality hit when it took me over a week just to make 4 pieces.  Anyway, I managed to make 15 ornaments last month.  These are for my own tree and giving away to family.  Here they are.



Confession, I made only five ornaments with FPP technique, see if you can guess which ones.  For the rest, I used improv and made them up as I went.  It was more fun for me to make improv blocks.  It would be better if I had used the paper designed especially for FPP blocks, I think.  With regular printer paper, I found, it's hard to tear the paper without splitting the seams at the end even though I used very, very small stitch length.

I'm a little sad that the year is coming to an end but I'm hopeful for the new year to come.  These are the last projects of this year.  Now it's time to think about and plan for next year’s projects.  I was disappointed that my 2 entries to QuiltCon didn't make it.  I didn't join in the QuiltCon Rejects event on Instagram, I feel it's a bit pessimistic to call them Rejects.   


This is the time that some of us celebrate the birth of Christ.  I'm so grateful that I'm a Christian.

Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year everyone.


John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.


  1. What a lovely baby quilt, looks like cosy and soft! Love the green patch ;) These ornaments are beautiful too, tiny patterns!
    Thank you for sharing, and linking up today!

  2. That baby quilt looks very soft and cuddly - nicely done!

  3. I love the baby quilt and all your ornaments, Margo!!! And I'm glad you celebrate the true meaning to Christmas, too!!! Come, Lord Jesus!

  4. The baby quilt is just so sweet, and I bet the baby will love the texture. I love your colorful ornaments. I know what you mean about sewing on printer paper. I bought a box of packing paper a few years ago at a moving supply store. It's was about 200 sheets of newsprint paper, I think. I've used it for patterns for large projects, but it's also been great for FPP. I do have to cut it down to 8 1/2 by 11 size for printing, but I have ruler and paper-only rotary cutter to make it easy. It really works well. I hope you had a beautiful Christmas and that you will have a happy, healthy new year with lots of quilting.

  5. Lovely. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and Happy New Year.


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