
Thursday, August 15, 2019

Are we having fun?

Time does fly when you're having fun!!!   So many projects to work on, so many things happened in the past couple months.  Here is the recap.

The first on the list is a house warming gift for a dear friend.  It's a wall hanging quilt, and I must say, I'm still agonizing on how to quilt it.

I'm thinking that I will make at least two pieces and let him choose the one he likes.  I haven't got the second one down quite the way I like it.  As usual, more tweaking to do!!

The next project is my new design.  This was originally designed for a challenge at the VMQG.  You can read about it here.

The block at the bottom in the above picture is the one I made for the challenge.  I'm trying to decide whether to set them on point or just go across the row as shown below. 

The block is 15" square, so I don't need a whole lot of blocks to make a good size quilt.  I think on point setting makes the blocks look more interesting, right?

In between these projects, I also worked on writing a pattern for the Make Modern magazine which will be published in January 2020. When the time comes, I will reveal everything here.  

Writing a pattern is no easy task, even for a very simple quilt!!  I found making quilt diagrams are the most challenging part.  Luckily I have a friend who graciously volunteered to help me.  She used the Illustrations program to make all the diagrams.  They came out so perfect and beautiful.  Thank you so much, Ruth!!  I'm done with the draft and sent everything to them a few days ago.  I'm ahead of the schedule because I will be traveling abroad with my family in October and will have couple weeks before the deadline on Nov. 15th when I get back.  I just want to be safe and hopefully finalize everything by the end of Sept.  People at the magazine are so nice and understanding.  Thanks a bunch, Kristy.

We are going back to Thailand and I'm so excited.   It will be a lot of fun to see everyone back home again.  Even though it's hot and humid there, I can't wait!!

I haven't got any ideas for a quilt for submission to QuiltCon and the dead line is quickly approaching.  With the traveling, I'm not sure I'll have enough time.  What to do, what to make?????  I have to think about it more.....

Last but not least, on July 15, I was delighted to get this from the AQS QuiltWeek.

So last week, I got my quilt ready, just the way they want, and shipped it.  I hope the quilt safely got to where it's supposed to be.  I always get worried, almost the same way when I send my children off to a field trip, a summer camp, etc....

I hope you all have a great day and do something fun.............

Link to:
Midweek Makers@QuiltFabrication, Can I get a Whoop Whoop, Frombolttobeauty, TGIF Friday, and Finished {or Not!} Friday


  1. I agree that your blocks look more interesting on point. Congratulations on being a semi finalist. Great excitement.

  2. Margo, you certainly have a lot going on! Your head must be spinning. I love the gift you’re making. It really makes a statement. Must be the red! Love your new block and I agree to put it on point. It looks difficult to piece....time consuming. It’s so pretty! Have a wonderful trip back to Thailand! Wish I could be a mouse in your pocket during your journey.

  3. That first quilt is super cool! I'm sure you'll come up with an interesting, modern quilting plan. Paducah semi-finalist--congrats!!! Have a great trip to Thailand!

  4. Interesting design! On point definitely works better, in my opinion.

  5. Oh I really like your original block! How pretty - and yes - I like the on point better too!

  6. Love you black, white and red modern quilt. Try looking at the quilting designs of Krista Withers. She breaks of negative space much like your piecing.


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