
Friday, September 22, 2017

The Fall Paducah show

Hi there!!  I'm home from the Fall Paducah QuiltWeek.  What a fantastic time I had.  I was truly amazed at the talent of those who participated in the show.  So much inspiration from the quilts, colors and patterns.   If I post all the pictures I took, this blog will be just pictures.  I will post only those that I was attracted to the most.  I tried my best to get the quilter's name for the quilt but missed one, I'm so sorry.   Here we go.....

Journey by Grace Sim

My Rhodie by Andrea Brokenshire
Doesn't this flower look real?

Menopausal Insomnia by Irelie Beatie
I smiled when I saw this quilt title.  Somehow I knew what it meant.

Cool Jazz by Shirley Gisi
I love the color play in this quilt.

LiLY by Hiroko Miyama - Japan
This girl looks so alive and lovely.

Unconditional Love by Ruth O'Sullivan
Isn't this quilt sweet?  I love dogs and looking at this quilt made me think of my old dog, Shadow.  He wasn't a German Shepard but a black lab mix.  He was a really sweet, gentle and smart dog.  We miss him!!

Cherry Blossoms and Moon

Magical by Joanne Baeth
Don't these white doves look like they are flying off the quilt?

This is me doing my demo about my book in AQS Author Showcase booth.  The audience was small in number but they were very inquisitive and engaging.  Working with flannel is hard on your machine because flannel creates a lot of lint underneath the throat plate so I made lint removers as a giveaway and they were a big hit.  They are made with pipe cleaners and coffee stirrers.  This is what they look like.  I got this as a gift some time ago from Scott Griffin in the Valley MQG.

At the Fall Paducah QuiltWeek, AQS had a free shuttle service which was great.  They allowed me to see the town and I went to some shops too.  I spent every available minute to take in everything as much as I could.  The most memorable incident was at the Must Stitch Emporium.  While in the shop, one lady from Indiana recognized me and asked me to sign her Show-book.  I never expected in a million year that someone would recognize me!!  Wow, what an ego boost for me.  

I got to go to the National Quilt Museum too.  Couldn't take any pictures in there.  The quilts in there are of exquisite beauty and workmanship.  

I also bought some notions and of course fabric.


I love the V and Company fabric line and try to collect them whenever I have a chance.  I don't have a plan for this acquisition yet.  The fabric on the bottom is not from V and Company but I like it for background for future project.

I really had a marvelous time in Paducah.  I would like to do a shout out to Pat, Karen and Gail.  I'm glad that I went and had a chance to meet you all.  Thank you ladies so much for making my time in Paducah a memorable one.  
Have a great day!


  1. This is a wonderful post. Thanks for sharing your experience. I love the first quilt so much and would like to see it in real life. I also like the fabrics you picked up.

  2. It sounds like a great event Margo. I'm sure that your presentation was awesome... Just like you! Can't wait to see what you do with your new purchases of fabric! Your creativity never ceases to amaze me.


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