
Wednesday, November 25, 2015

WIP this week.

Our Valley Modern Quilt Guild has a new challenge, fire, for November.  So in the past week, I was thinking about this topic and wanted to make a big black quilt.  We went camping almost every summer when our children were young.  We camped all over Northern California, Oregon, Wyoming, Montana and Utah.  There are so many fond memories along the way and I wanted to express those feelings on a quilt.  Our favorite thing was sitting around a campfire after dinner and talked the night away.  One summer we were at Timothy Lake in Oregon.  Right after a hearty breakfast, we went hiking.  We missed the trail marks, took a wrong turn, and ended up hiking all around the lake which took almost all day.  We ate delicious wild raspberries for lunch.  We were very tired that day and went to bed right after our simple dinner.  We slept so well that night.

I love campfires and want to design a quilt that reminds me of the good time we had.  First, I drew the design in my design book, and then transferred it to the fabric.  I hung my quilt top on a design wall in my sewing room and started putting some strips of fabric on it to audition the colors. 

Here is the finished quilt.

What is your favorite thing to do with your family?  Do you long to express your fondest memories onto a quilt?  

Wherever you are, I hope you're having a great time with your family.  Make memories that will last a life time together. 

Have a great Thanksgiving!


  1. Oh what a fun quilt. Love the way the colors stand out on the background.I love to have discussions, to hike and to laugh with my family. Of course one can do all three at once, which is a bonus.

  2. What a great post, Margo! I really enjoyed reading about your family memories and your inspiration for this quilt. It's beautiful and really does look like fire! I think you have met the challenge!


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