
Friday, May 15, 2015

EPP hexagon on T-shirt

Hand sewn project in Bangkok, Thailand continue

This week, I decided to use the hexagon shapes that I've been making on a T-shirt for my niece.  I also made a few leaves with the same EPP technique.  I put the smaller leaves on top of the bigger ones and using dark and light contrast fabric for interest.  I hand sew the flower and the leaves on a ready made T-shirt.  It's a quick and pretty easy gift before I return home to the US.

Here are some pictures:

My trip here is coming to an end.  I'm returning to California next week.  I'll miss Thailand, all the shopping excursions with my sister and of course, the food.  My mother is stable and in pretty good health.  She is one strong 92-year old lady.  I'm so blessed to have such a strong and courageous mother.  Because of her, I was able to go to school and earned a degree from college.  I hope I can take good care of my children the way my mother took care of us.  I'm grateful to be able to spend some time with her and my siblings.

My next posting will be from Los Angeles, California.  Until then have a blessed week.


  1. I would have never thought of adding hexagons on a t-shirt! You always have such clever ideas :)


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Margo, I have never tried EPP (or made many hexagons for that matter!) so I am impressed by your project! I am sure that your niece will love the t-shirt!

    1. Thanks, Deb. It's my first time for EPP and I must say I'm loving it. It's easy to take along when I travel. Hope you'll give it a try. :)

  4. I love hexies. I love black and white fabric. So, your project suits my tastes just fine. And what a good idea to decorate a t-shirt with them!

    1. Thanks, France. I'm getting to love them too.

  5. This is such a cute idea for Hexies ; off to read about Pad Thai now :)

  6. This is such a cute idea for Hexies ; off to read about Pad Thai now :)

  7. Love that flower design, Margo. I enjoyed reading about your mom and how blessed you are. God takes such good care of us!

    1. Thanks, Lorna. Yes, I'm truly blessed to have such a wonderful mother.


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