
Tuesday, September 21, 2021

A New Project and September OMG finished

 Hi Everyone,

We just came back from a road trip.  We drove over 2,000 miles to Idaho Falls, Salt Lake City and St. George to visit friends and family.  We had a wonderful time catching up with friends whom we haven't seen in a long time.  It's refreshing to be in a place that we didn't have to wear a mask all the time.  I had a first time experience of going to a State Fair in Idaho Falls.  Walking around at the Fair without a mask made life seem normal once again.  We also visited a place called Palisades, Idaho.  It's so beautiful, I took this picture.

Now back home, I got right back to work on the QuiltCon 2022 Fabric Challenge.  I set a goal to finish the top and basting in September.  Now both goals are done. 

Candy Box 3 - Front

Candy Box 3 - Back

Candy Box 3 - Basted

Next will be quilting it and here is the initial plan.  It looks messy because I hand drew it on my iPad with the Apple pencil.   It may change but you get the idea.


It's so good to be back.  No matter how much fun we had, it's always good to be back home.  

Don't forget to go to the OMG Finish Link-up to see all projects.


Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!!


  1. Hi Margo,
    Your trip picture is beautiful, and I was glad to hear you got to attend a state fair. I missed doing that this summer, and enjoy it so much. I like your straight line quilting plan for your new quilt. Looking forward to seeing it quilted. Thanks for linking with the Design Wall Mondays linky party. Hugs, Judy

  2. What a beautiful scenery! Looks like you had great time visiting friends and hiking in these gorgeous places. I love the front and the back of your quilt, very creative!
    Thank you for sharing, and linking up ;)

  3. Now nice to be able to travel again. Well done on reaching your goals.

  4. Love your challenge quilt design! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish!


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