
Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Then and Now Linky Party

Leanne from Devoted Quilter is having a 'Then and Now' Linky Party till the end of the month.   It's for us to look at our works from the past to present. You can link to this Linky party at the end of this post.

In 2008, I made a quilt for my son when he left for college.  I had made quilts before that but had never done machine quilting.   He loves music so I picked fabrics with musical motifs and used the "Yellow Brick Road" pattern. I used free motion quilting, featuring guitars and musical notes. He was pleased with the results. He graduated with a Classical Guitar degree and Business Econ degree. Now the quilt goes everywhere he goes.

Detailed free motion quilting

I had a lot of fun quilting this quilt.  I also made a pillow case for him but couldn't find the picture of it.  My son said the pillow case fell apart from laundering after all these years.   I guess I'll have to make another one.  Or may be it's time for a new quilt. :)

Two years later, I picked "Pinto Box" as the pattern for my daughter when she left home for college.  She loves all colors and not wanting her dorm room to be boring, I used a variety of colors.  I used variegated thread to quilt fireworks and shooting star designs.  She and I both loved it.  There was no marking on this quilt.  I randomly quilted fireworks, big and small, all over the quilt with a walking foot.  I also made a matching pillow case too.

Detailed quilting design

That's was 6 years ago since I quilted a traditional quilt.  In between those years, I worked with different techniques and worked mostly with flannels, you can read about it here.

Now in 2016, I made this for my friend's baby.  I used a walking foot to quilt straight lines to echo the shape of the negative space.  I also pieced the back of the quilt too.  I love the way the quilt turned out both front and back.

I always enjoy making crafts, but I fell in love with making quilts.  I've come a long way from my first machine quilting in 2008 and I don't see the ending in sight.  I love this new quilting community that I found, and enjoy sharing with people who have the same interests.  Blogging opens so many doors and offers many chances to learn new things and to do many things that I would never dream of.  What's Next?  I don't know, but I can say that I'm excited to learn to take better photos for my blog.

Have a great day!!

 Then..and Now Linky Party | DevotedQuilter.blogspot.com  


  1. What great quilts you made for your kids! I love that they've been well used and loved for all these years :) I see a huge change in your quilting from then to now, from all over designs to much more detailed work. Thanks for linking with Then...and Now!

  2. What a great look back of your quilts then and now. I too started with the Yellow brick road...lol! Love the quilting on your daughters quilt, and the colors. TFS!


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