
Sunday, March 27, 2016


Last January, as I was preparing my second blogiversary giveaway, I had had a life changing experience.  On Jan. 25th, I had a brain aneurysm which lead to a Subarachnoid hemorrhage and I was treated at Cedar Sinai for a month.  I'm happy to say that the surgery was a success and now I'm recuperating at home.  I am blessed to be able to regain functions of my hands, arms and legs.  My speech is normal, may be a little slower, but I can talk normally.  I am still going through physical therapy twice a week at a hospital near by.  Even though my neurosurgeon cleared me and I don't have to see him for another three years, he said I still have to take it easy for awhile and SLOWLY ease back into my normal activities.  I guess 2016 is going to be a take it easy but exciting year.

In the past two months, I have felt the love that my friends, neighbors and the church members have for me.  Many friends brought food over and many more offered help of every kind.  They will pick me up if I want to go any where.  Some offered to come and sit with me so that I won't be alone.  Not that I'm alone, my dear husband is with me from the start.  He's not working right now because he turned down a job so that he could be with me in the past two months.  Many prayers were said on my behalf and God has heard them.  He has blessed me with many blessings and healed me in many ways.  Everyone was so shocked to see me walk and move around like nothing had happened to me.  Except the bald spot, and the incision, on my head, no one would know what I'd been through in the last two months.

Today is Easter and there is a reason to celebrate.  I know it's late in the day, but I find hope and happiness in Easter and my belief in Jesus Christ.  I know I'm a daughter of God and He LOVES me. 

I haven't sewn much in the past two months.  Before I went into the hospital, I was working on a baby quilt to gift a friend who had a baby girl.  It progresses slowly but I'll get it done.  The top is done, now I just have to quilt it.

My book came out right on the targeted date, March 15, 2016.  There will be a book review and awesome giveaway prizes starting from April 20th to April 30th.  I'll reveal more details when the time gets a bit closer.  I am very happy the way the book turned out.  The pictures are so beautiful, thanks to the editing team at the AQS.

I am so grateful for all of you who visit my blog and I wish you a Happy Easter.  I love the renewal and refreshing feelings that Spring and Easter brings.  That reminds me I have to get started in my garden, soon.  We have a very short spring and summer comes early around here.  Whatever your tradition or belief, I wish you and those you love, peace and happiness in all you days.


1 comment:

  1. Your book looks great! Congratulations on being published!
    I hope I win. I've made a rag quilt, but would love to try your projects.


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