
Monday, March 23, 2020

New Quilt Top finished

Hello Everyone,

I hope everyone is doing well in this trying time.  Please stay healthy and strong so we can fight this thing.  It may be funny to some but I'm happy to be home and sew.   I realized that I don't mind social distancing as much.  :-)

I've been working on my One Monthly Goal for March.  I'm happy to say that I'm done with my new quilt top.  The picture is below.

In my last post I said the quilt 'Journey' was my biggest one so far.  This quilt, 'Journey 2', is even bigger.  It'll be interesting when I quilt this one, can't wait!

My local quilt shop is calling for actions to make fabric masks for the healthcare professionals.  Here are some links they sent to me.  If any of you are interested in doing something for the hospitals in your area, it's best to check with them for their specifications before you start. 



Stay calm and sew on.......

Link up to Alycia Quilts - Finished or not Finished Friday


  1. Beautiful! I love the modern look with all the negative space!

  2. WOW! No! Seriously, I mean WOW!! I love this star(?). Excellent. ;^)

  3. That is an amazing block and in turn an amazing quilt!
    Lots of quilters in my area are making the surgical type masks too!
    Quarter inch elastic is scarce now!

  4. Great looking blocks, totally enhanced by your fabric choices - can't wait to see the quilting!

  5. That is such a cool quilt!! I want to see it quilted too! What a unique block !

  6. Amazing block, beautiful colors, and lots of space for luscious quilting! Great job!

  7. The fisrt version of Journey is beautiful, but this one is even more lovely!

  8. Lovely. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish.


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