
Thursday, February 23, 2023

A New Baby Quilt and A Truck Load of Woodchips

I'm making a baby quilt for a dear friend who just had her first grandson.  I pulled some fabric out, you can see them here.  I started to make a few blocks of curved piecing and put them on a design wall as shown here. 

I haven’t decided yet what this quilt would look like.  We’ll wait and see.  I'll let them hang out on the design wall for awhile and make some more to join them.

While I was working on the quilt, I got a truck load of wood chips delivered on to my drive way. It’s a gigantic amount of wood chips as seen here. 

I do gardening for fun and to relax.  Recently, I learned of using wood chips in the garden as mulch from Back to Eden Gardening Documentary film by Paul Gautschi who introduced me to an organization called Chipdrop. I don't have any affiliation with any of these two organizations.  I only recently used their service and love the idea and now tell people around me about them.  Now I have enough wood chips for my own garden and to share.  Some of my  neighbors came and took some wood chips for their garden too.


That's what's going on around here.  I hope you all have a great week and thanks for visiting.



  1. Loved the curved pieced blocks! What a lovely idea for a baby quilt. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.

  2. The blocks look great....and will be a lovely quilt. Thanks for linking to TGIFF

  3. Your modern curved blocks look great! This will be a lovely quilt!

  4. Margo your quilt blocks are lovely. How sweet of you to share your bounty of wood chips! Thank you for linking with To Do Tuesday. 😉 Carol

  5. Those curved blocks are so cool!! its going to be a great quilt!
    And yay for wood chips - they hold moisture too!!


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