
Friday, February 12, 2021

Love Tote Bag Finished

 Hi Everyone,

I finally finished the Love tote bag.  Here it is with front and back shots.



I also put 2 pockets in for some accessories.


It was a lot of fun making this tote bag.  There are a few firsts with this project; 

- First time using Pellon SF101 interfacing for bag.

- First time making French seam so that no raw edge is showing       because this bag doesn't have a lining. 

- First time using 1" bias tape for lettering.

I have to admit that when I first started making this bag, I only had general ideas about size and how I wanted it to look.  Along with everything else, I had to make things up as I went along.  I didn't plan to use the French seam and didn't allow extra fabric for that.  Plus a mistake in measuring, the bag is 2" narrower than what I wanted.

I like using Pellon SF101, it does make the bag looks nice.  For the back, I thought sewing the pockets to the bag would be enough to secure the interfacing to the fabric.  Then I saw all this extra space and was afraid that the interfacing would come loose through usage,  so I put extra "quilting" on it.  The design was unplanned and I really like the way it turned out.  I can see more potential for this design in other projects.

Now that the bag is done and I have better idea how to make it, I will start writing instructions for it.  Let me know what you think.


Bag info:

Size:            15" x 18"

Fabric:        Cotton (I used painter drop cloth, wash it before cutting.)

Interfacing: Pellon SF101


Thank for stopping by.  Have a great day.

 Now go to The Elmstreet Quilts to check out the Feb. finish link up.



Saturday, February 6, 2021

February WIP

This is on my design wall this week.  It's my love tote bag for Valentine's day celebration.  After seeing the Getty Image of the Pantone colors of the year, I picked Kona Steele and Corn Yellow.  I know these colors are not really close to the ones in the picture but I think they will look better on the bag. 



I've been playing with 1" bias tape and came up with this composition. 

A friend of mine saw that and said it reminded her of a sculpture in Paris of the same design.  So I started looking for it to see how it looked, and I found this famous LOVE sculpture by Robert Indiana at Galerie Laurent Strouk in Paris.

More love to spread around.....

The work continues.  Next post, I hope to have the whole bag finished.

Have a fantastic weekend.

Today I link up to  Whoop Whoop Fridays, Off the Wall Fridays and TGIFF!

Monday, February 1, 2021

OMG for February

 Hi Everyone,

I have a fun project for this month to celebrate the Valentine's Day.  I'm making a LOVE tote bag.  We never can have too many bags, right?  The first idea came to mind that I would use typical love colors but then I thought it would be fun to make in the Pantone colors of the year, LOVE, instead. 


The bag in this picture is just a sample.  I'm making a new bag with bottom and will use 1" bias tapes for this project.  This will be my OMG for February.

After I finish the bag, I will post a tutorial for everyone.  Thanks to all who went to my last bag tutorial blog here.  It's been a few years but you made it my most popular blog ever; almost 6,800 views to date.


Have a great week!!