
Tuesday, January 25, 2022

I’m Grateful for a Remake - January OMG Finished

I’m also grateful for a second chance.  Six years ago today, I had a second chance. I had a ruptured brain aneurysm and emergency surgery to fix it. No one really knew what the outcome would be for me. Would I be able to regain functions of my physical body and to continue my various activities?  The outcome was incredible and here I am six years later, alive and well.  Thanks to all the good doctors, nurses and physical therapists at the Cedar Sinai Hospital.  They all said that they had never seen a patient recover so fast and so well as me. 

How thankful I am that so many people from church, my family and my friends said prayers on my behalf.  How merciful God is to bless me and allow me to continue to be here with my loved ones.  How incredible it is that I am able to use my hands and feet to do things that I love.  Life is so precious!!


For January, I set a goal to make Max a new coat.  First let's compare the old one, in the first picture, to the new one, in the second picture.


The old coat is a little small and too tight around the neck. I think Max gained a few more pounds since then.  I lengthened the shoulder straps and enlarged the whole body piece by 1/2 inch.  I also changed the belly straps from two pieces to meet in the middle under the body to one strap from one side across the belly to the opposite side. 

Max loves his daily walk.  He would never miss it for the world.  He will come and remind us as if he's afraid that we forget.  I took some pictures on our walk.



I'm so grateful for the remake.  Now Max has a new coat that he's happy to wear.


Let's go to the Elm Street Quilts for January OMG finish link-up to see other finished projects.



Joshua 24:15.....choose you this day whom ye will serve....but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

January OMG

 Happy New Year everyone.

I was struggling to come up with a project for January OMG.  I was still in the Holiday seasons mode.  Then I remembered my dog, Max, needed a new coat.  It has been very cold in Southern California lately and his coat is getting raggedy.  This is what I made for him a few years ago.  Now it’s time for a new one.

I used the pattern from Caroline at Sewcanshe.  This is the fleece fabric that I'll be using.  


This will be the first project for this year.

Have a great day and Thanks for visiting.


Welcome 2022


Happy New Year Everyone!!

Welcome to my blog.  I'm very happy that you're here.  The beginning of the year is a good time to reflect on the year past and looking into the year to come. 

Reflections on the year 2021:

  • I set a goal to publish more blogs in 2021.  So far the number is 40 which is the most to date.  I will continue at this pace, 3-4 posts a month or as contents arise, it works well for me.
  • I continue to sew something almost everyday.  When I'm not sewing, I will be in the kitchen, trying new bread recipes or something.  
  • I had one award wining quilt, 2 quilts got accepted to QuiltCon and 4 magazine articles.  I shared in detail in The Best of 2021 post here.  I think I've had a lot of actions last year.  
  • For motivations, I have to thank Patty Dudek at the Elm Street Quilts.  Every month I link into her OMG party.  It's helped me so much to stay on course.
  • I set a goal to work hard on writing patterns for my quilts.  All the patterns published in magazine give me a good practice.  I still struggle on the graphic part.  I'm taking baby steps about this goal.  I'm not sure I want to sell my patterns.  I have to give some more thoughts about this.
  • I continue to improve my quilting skills but not in Free motion style.  I do enjoy quilting very much.  It breathes a new life into the tops that I made.
  • Continue to participate in quilts for charities.  I really enjoy Hands2Helps project.  In doing so, I participate more on social media and have more interactions with other quilters. 
Now I would like to share some pictures of finished projects in 2021.
Only the projects on the top row are mine, the rest was gifts to different people and organizations.
Goals for 2022:
  • Continue to have fun creating and sewing.  I love this hobby and count my blessings everyday for the gifts I've got.
  • Make at least one quilt for QuiltCon 2023.  Even though my quilts didn't get in this year, I'll try again next year.
  • Submit more quilts for publications.
  • Continue to improve my quilting skills.  Maybe this year is the year for FM quilting.
  • Continue to participate in quilts for charities. 
  • Work on UFO and WIP projects. 
  • Exercise to improve my health.  
Wishing you a wonderful and healthier New Year.

Thanks for stopping by.  
